Chapter 36: Dress Shopping

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Me and Hannah get out of the car and walk into the busy shopping centre. Hannah drags me into one of the clothing stores and we come across a few dresses. They weren't that nice, but they weren't ugly either.

"How about this one" Hannah says holding up a black lace dress.

"I'm going to meet your friends, not attend to a teenage party" I say. That word 'party' just brings back all the memories from yesterday.

"Oh well, what about this?" She says holding up a cream coloured dress. It was okay but, not really my type of choice

"Can we go somewhere else? They don't have what we're trying to look for" I beg.

"Which is?"

"You know just a normal t-shirt and jeans" I answer. I don't even get why I agreed to do this.

"Leela you can't just wear a t-shirt and jeans. You really have to make an effort for my friends Lee. Otherwise they're just going to think that you're boring and that you have no taste in clothing"

"I don't care about what people think about me. When I meet someone, I will always be myself" I say pretty loud which gets me a few little stares from people.

"Okay let's go to another shop then" She says, pulling me away.

As she is practically dragging me out the store, a certain dress catches my eye.

It was perfect. It was dark blue which is a colour I don't wear often. However something about it was just so fascinating. Although I wasn't going to buy a dress, which I just clearly just explained to Hannah.

But I don't get why it's such a big deal to go shopping to meet her friends. I might as well just meet them wearing my night gown.

I walk over to the dress and admire it. It was very pretty indeed.

"Leela, do you want-"

"Yes!" I instantly answer.

"It actually isn't that bad. I guess we'll get this dress then" She says and I pick up the dress as we head to the till.

I'm so so so sorry that it was short. I've been busy with another story I'm working on lately called The Wedding Organiser. Check it out?

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