Chapter 38: I Love You

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Note: Can't believe I made it this far. Chapter 1 all the way to chap thirty F*cking thirty eight!

Also I've been waiting to do this chapter for so long! I hope you enjoy it!

And obviously thanks to all of you who have voted or even commented! :) love you all!


"Um...why are we here? You said we're going to get lunch with your friends" I ask and she smirks then chuckles.

"Just get out the car Lee"

"But- but" She just ignores me and gets out the car making me huff at annoyance. I just listen and get out the car.

"Follow me inside Lee and close your eyes" She says and I obey. I guess I'll just listen to her since she wasn't going to give me information about what the hell was going on right now.

We walk in and it's totally quiet making me a little creeped out.


I look at everything and feels as if I'm about to faint.

There's lights and stuff everywhere. Lots of food and drinks.
And people filling the space up in the huge centre. There was so much people looking at me and smiling. Even waving.

One stood out from those people.


Okay let's just say Hannah was lying all this time wasn't she?

Well no shit Sherlock. My head says.

"Cameron? D- did you do all this for me?"

"Of course I did this for you" He says and my smile grows even wider.

"Why?" I ask. It was all so beautiful. It just seemed like such a happy place to be in. Everyone had a nice smile playing on their face and all looked so beautiful. It just seemed like I was trapped in a fairy tale.

"Because you deserved this. A happy place to be in. Here Leela. You deserve to be in a beautiful place like this. Please don't leave. Please?"

I run up to him and hug him as hard as I can instead of answering him. We hug for at least a minute and eventually let go.

"I need to tell you something" He says and I get scared. What is it now? This is all enough.

"What?" I ask and he gets a paper out from his pockets.

"This might seem weird to you, but there's some things I need explain" He takes a deep breath before looking up at me with a nervous yet beautiful smile.

"When I met you, we were only five. I remember how I first saw you and thought you were so cute with your pig tails and I've got to admit I had a massive crush on you. I also remember how my friends used to always tease me about you about you and how I would blush denying that I like you. They would catch me staring at you and overall it was just highly embarrassing to be honest. I will never forget when we both wrote our names on a tree for a memory. It had said 'Leela and Cameron forever' and I know the last word didn't happen, but I wish I could rewind time and make that happen. Being best friends with you was my everything. Everything I had never imagined before. When I started bullying you, I was a disgrace too. Every word me or the others would say may have hurt you, but it hurt me as well to see you so upset and angry. But in the end you forgave me for bullying you. I always saw how scared you were to even enter the school. How scared you were to even open your locker because you thought someone was pulling a stupid prank on you. How scared you were to even look me in the eye. I was the stupidest and the most selfish jerk who only cared about popularity. And to this day I will never forgive myself. And can't even thank you enough for forgiving me already.
I see you everyday now and think 'How did I bully one of the most gorgeous girl's in our school?' How did you even forgive me for what I did to you? But the one thing I saw was see you grow strong each day. Your smart, intelligent, brave, funny, cute, pretty, beautiful. My mouth could go on forever.

After everything that happened between us I realised something...


I love being with you. There is no one else, I'd rather be with you. You make me smile in a way no one else can. You make me laugh in a way no one else can. Your the first thing I wanna see in the morning and the last thing I wanna see at the night. I've never loved anyone the way I love you. Your my other half. My love. My happy ever after. My everything. My everything I ever hoped and wished for. Leela, I love you and only you"

BAD BOY BULLY (Completed) | MIKEYISANGELICWhere stories live. Discover now