Chapter 1: Anxiety & Bullies

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The fear washes over me. The fear washes over me again. Again again. Here comes another day. Another day of me ending up in bed thinking 'What a terrible day' thinking 'Will this end' thinking 'Why me of all people'

I walked through the empty streets as I made my way to school with my bag on my shoulder and my earphones on full blast. So many thoughts running through my mind and all I could do was push it away.

Stop thinking! You think too much!
I mentally tell myself.

I have an anxiety disorder, and an OCD. Life is hard when you've got so much going on. I've spoken to my GP and therapist and yes things have changed and helped in some ways. But then again, nothing's changed. I am still mentally unstable. And as I think it's getting better, it just gets worse.

Suddenly I find myself near the school gates. I almost wished I could just go back those last few minutes to when I wasn't so near school.

But I'm here now.

And the feelings of anxiousness rises to a whole new level.

I can't face them. Its so hard. Life is hard. I'm scared. I don't want to be here. Why did I even come school. Why didn't I just stay home. Take me back. I hate it already.

I feel my palms, neck and back getting sweaty. Not because it was too hot. It's just a symptom of anxiety. I couldn't even make eye contact with anyone. I felt shaky.

And then I see them.

Luke, Connor...Cameron

They were stood there laughing at something on Connor's phone with a group of girls circled around them. I stood there thinking for ways I could possibly run away without them noticing.

It wasn't even them I was scared of. It was Cameron.

Almost everyday he'd hurt me physically and emotionally. I had days where I'd just lie in bed thinking. What did I ever do to him that triggered him so much to do this to me? No one deserves this. I wouldn't even wish this on my worst enemy (not that I ever had any) it's torturous and cruel.

I don't exactly know what or who he thinks he is. He's got a reputation of being the 'Bad boy' which is why he acts like he's better than everyone. Practically every girl in the school drools over him and thinks he's something special.

He is a dick

And its like no one can see it except me. Even if he didn't bully me, I would still think he's a dick because of the way he acts. He has a new girl from school in his bed every night, he is so full of himself, he thinks he's better than everyone and he treats not just me but other people like shit. I couldn't stand people like him.

Coincidentally he lives right next door to where I live. Yep.

I don't know how that even happened but I wish it never did.

I run inside the doors as fast as I can to reach my locker so I could put a few of my textbooks away. Still feeling that rush of anxiety. Still hoping they couldn't see me. Still hoping today will be a better day.

Suddenly my locker slams and I jump.

"Do you really think that you could run away from me?" He harshly squeezes my arm. He was squeezing it so hard that it felt as if someone had just shot a bullet in it. I almost couldn't feel it after a few seconds.

"ow" I winced. And I instantly regret it a second later.

"I SAID DO YOU THINK YOU COULD RUN AWAY FROM ME!?" By now most people had gone to lesson leaving only a few people giving strange looks. Not like they would actually do anything. This shit's been happening for years yet everyone just acts normal. Like nothing is happening. And this is totally normal.

"N- no" I stuttered. I'm so weak.

"Thought so bitch so don't ever try to run away from me. Got it?" I nod.

"Y-yes" I managed to say.

"I SAID GOT IT!?!" I jump.

"Yes" I say rather quickly.

He then pushed me to a locker causing my arm to once again hurt. Cameron walks away laughing with his idiotic friends, leaving me in pain....alone.


I quickly rush through the school doors, making my way to my first class which was English and the worst thing was, Cameron and luke were in that class too. Perfect.

"Miss Anderson, why are you late?" Mr Jones asks.

I freeze for a second. I try and come up with some realistic excuse so that he can let me off. I've been late to his lesson for a third time this week and I didn't want to let him down again.

"I missed my alarm this morning and Ive just arrived to school now" I say it so quietly and find myself stuttering in the middle of it. I hear Cameron sniggering in the back which I try and avoid.

"What is it with you always being late to my class? Is there something bothering you lately?" Mr Jones asks making me gulp and stay quiet.

Yeah Mr Jones actually there is. You see, this shitty school doesn't realise that there's this boy named Cameron Dallas who treats me like absolute shit and physically and emotionally hurts me everyday and I really can't take it and he is the reason for my anxiety disorder. I wanna die. That's why I'm late to your lesson.

I want to tell him but obviously I stay mute.

When Mr Jones notices that I have nothing to say he sighs letting me off (which I mentally thank him for)

He turns his back to the class, writing something about a book we were learning about on the board. As I walking to my seat, I feel Cameron push me over to a random empty seat.  He laughs quietly and so does Luke.

I can actually feel tears in my eyes. I just don't want them too fall.

I quickly get up and make my way to my seat quietly.

I take out my book and as I am about to close my bag, something hits my head.

It lands on the table and I pick up the scrunched up piece of paper.

I open it up even though I rather not.

[No one likes you - Cameron & Luke]

I sit there wondering why I even bothered to open it when I could've thrown it elsewhere.

I turned around to see the 2 idiots smirking.

I sit there in my seat hoping the day could just end


Hope you enjoyed this first chapter! I absolutely love the way it turned out. I hope you love it just as much as I do so far. Stay happy :D

TWITTER: Saheba_Panda
INSTAGRAM: Lostboyhs

Mikeyisangelic xo

BAD BOY BULLY (Completed) | MIKEYISANGELICWhere stories live. Discover now