Chapter 3: Parties & A Change For Once

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Liam and I have been getting really close lately and I'm really glad that I met him. It feels like I've known him since I was a kid. It also turns out that he's going to be starting a new school from next week (Which is supposedly the school I go to) because he newly just moved here from Wolverhampton. It makes me feel even more happier about school next week. Although I'm never excited for school of course. Because of them..and of course no one really likes to be woken up on a rainy Monday morning.

Back to Liam.

We've been talking a lot and I'm happy that I've finally found someone who I can actually talk to about everything. Like my parents, and my past years and other random stuff that have been happening lately. Although I haven't told him about Cameron and the other two.  But It feels so good to have a friend again. Believe it or not...Cameron and I used to be best friends.

I remember our mum's would always say that we would be together and get married when we were little, but if only they knew that he bullies me now. I just wish everything will get better but I doubt it will. Let's hope.

I was watching tom and jerry. Yeh yeh call me a baby but I love it. My stomach suddenly rumbled making a loud noise. I knew I was hungry so I went over to the fridge and saw that there wasn't much to eat. So I grabbed my bag and headed out the door to go do a bit of grocery shopping.


I finally make it to the local supermarket and as soon as I walked through the door I went to the sweets and chocolates Isle. C'mon, I'm sure every teenager does that, even though they're no kid no more.

After buying a load of random food.
Food we needed and didn't need.
I walked back home and as soon as I did, I spot cameron and a brunette girl making out. She was literally eating his mouth off. Oh god. That's disgusting. I walk away from the very horrible sight and hurriedly jump into my car.


I instantly open the door to my house and quickly put all my food away. I heard my phone buzz from my jean pockets, so quickly pulled it out.

When I did I looked at the caller ID and Liam's name appeared.

Lee: "Hey Liam. What's up?"

Li: "Hey Lee. I was just wondering If you wanted to come to a party on Friday night. I was going to go with one of my friends but he's too busy tonight. So I was wondering if you'd come instead? Pleaseeeee?"

Lee: "I would love to but I'm busy"

Li: "With?"

Lee: "Ermm...I have to.. Uh.."

Li: "Yeh don't try to make a lame excuse Leela. Sl your coming to the party. I'll pick you up at 8. Bye"

Lee: "No I -"

Before I could say anything he hangs up.

Well great.

I can't attend to this party. If people look at me, they'll think I'm trash and possibly kick me out. Maybe I need a change of my image. I mean I'm just sick of everything about me and my appearance. But what if I did change for once? What would people think?

I hate to do this but I think tomorrow I'm going to call my cousin to give me a makeover. Because I just want to see. See what it would be like to just change for once. And so hopefully I don't look like crap anymore.

Get ready because It's time for Leela Anderson to change.

Soooo? What do you think? Do you want Leela to change? Or stay the same? What kind of Leela do you think she might be? IDK so comment!!


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