1.7K read special!😍

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a/n: foreword, I am so thankful for this many reads! I made a friend already😏 and this is just insane! As I promised before, I'm going to do a special, this is not relevant to the story line <3. This is more like a soft Bakugo I wanted to write 😃 and a bubbly but badass y/n. 

( pic by @coolgirlchile)

[ genre: fluff ]

No one's POV

The sky was gloomy and you were rushing through bus stops for covers. You looked at your watch and you were late for the perfomance, while Izuku went out for new ropes, you were out for a new microphone for Jirou, a new professional one as a surprise.

where are you? it's pretty late!

Be there in a minute!

You closed your phone, rain started pouring at this area but sunlight at another... 'weird.' you thought, opening your huge black lust-looking wings and flying quickly to school. 

"hey, isn't that Izuku?" you whispered to yourself, seeing the green haired student with a villain. 'what was his name again, oh! gentle criminal.' you muttered in your mind, body walking forward quickly to him. 

"this idiot." you whispered, they started fighting as you went behind the criminal, blasting a huge black lust-looking ball at him. 

"urgh, he has friends." he mumbled to his assistant or gnome down there. They made their way through a small alley and the both of you quickly followed up, the girl pointing a camera towards you. 

"so, mind explaining?" you turn to Izuku who was below on the ground as you flapped your wings harshly, allowing huge blasts of wind escaping yourself. "I saw them at a tea store...they're trying to ruin the activity. I can't do that for Eri." you nodded, heroic.

"He can create something like an elastic, bouncing and bending it." he turned to you, still running swiftly as cans and rubbish dropped on the ground. You nodded your head, turning towards him as your demon horns grew out of place, skin turning red. 

[ after fighting ]

"WHERE WERE YOU Y/N? WHY ARE YOUR CLOTHES TORN?" Jirou angrily wiped your injuries, "hehe, nothing." you ran on stage with the rest. The performance was really smooth as you lift boxes outside, towering over you.

"oi." Bakugo looked at you from behind. You couldn't turn around or you'd trip, definitely. "turn around and face me y/n Yoshino." he angrily tapped his foot as you slowly wobble around with the boxes.

"what is your relationship with Deku." he pulled your hand, you dropped all the boxes causing a huge crash. Everyone's eyes averted to you and Katsuki but he didn't let go nor batted them an eye, his crimson eyes locked into yours.

"friends...?" you tried to turn to the boxes before he pulls you closer. This time you can see his furrowed brows, you could smell his light-ish caramel scent. "don't fucking lie to me y/n." he snapped, towering over you.

"ew get a room with y/n." Denki walked over, "yall just date already." Jirou shoved the boxes behind the lockers. Everyone's eyes onto the two brave people who spoke after Bakugo. You could feel sweat glands rolling off your forehead. 

"friends. we're just friends." you pulled your hand away from him, "that's our relationship okay? why do you care so much anyways." you angrily returned your gaze to the pile of fallen boxes. "Tch, I like you dumbass okay." he rubbed his neck, you didn't happily said, 'me too.' or any of the Disney shit.

"like? ' LIKE' ISN'T THIS BAKUGO. YOU HAVE BEEN TORTURING ME AND IZUKU FOR YEARS BECAUSE WE WERE 'WEAK'." you angrily blurted out, stomping off after keeping the boxes in stacks, the class had eyes all over you now then to Bakugo.

"...y/n!" Midoriya ran out and searched for you before noticing you in a ball, sitting on the staircase of IA. "y/n..." he sat down next to you, gently patting your head as he looked outside to the sun.

"what's wrong." he looked at you as you sniffed, "that's not liking, he's crazy." you returned your gaze to the green haired freckle boy, he had a small curve on his lips. "kachaan is crazy, isn't he?" he chuckled. Your eye caught a glimpse of the ash blonde hiding behind the pillar, his small strand of hair caught your eye. You couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, pointing at the strand of hair to Izuku.

"I'll leave you TWO to be." Izuku winked, hopping away to uraraka, leaving you and Bakugo together. "Come out, I can see you from the pillar." you turned your head to him, he had a slightly sad and calm face.

"You hate me don't you." he said, twirling you around and pressing you against the wall. "Bakugo. I don't hate you, I just find you weird and annoying. For instance, you hate me and Midoriya and now you 'like' me." you walked over his arm, crawling out of the position before he pressed you against the wall again, this time, annoyance wrote over your face.

"I don't hate you. I never did." he calmly stated, pushing his body closer to yours, clearly lost. "you don't? then what's with the bullying?" you twitched an eyebrow, looking at him. What was the point of all these years of bullying then.

"One of the guys told me it was a way to get your attention." he blushed, covering his face. "THAT'S NOT HOW YOU DO IT." you whacked his head as he lifts you up, you squiggled like a worm in his arms. He lifted you over him, your head and upper body behind him, he grabbed your thighs and ran back to the room. 

"so we're dating now?" he smiled, opening the door. "It does not work this way katsuki." you giggled at his foolishness and dumbness for love. 

"we're dating now everyone."


[ end ]

a/n: so... it was kinda rushed cause I wanna keep it within 1100 words and it was hard. Should I start a fluff and hopeless Bakugo story? If yes please tell me <3333

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