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Okay, our outline isn't finished but it's started. Let's go to our world building. Remember our painting? Well, we've got to decide what goes where, right? And remember, if it all gets dumped into ONE spot, it's not beautiful. So let's drag our lines across the page.

Here are some popular ways to open your story:
- with the scenery
- a personal problem/reflection
- or a question

A good story (no matter how small) has a SMALL extra subplot, so let's do that here by giving our frog a flaw. How did he get into this trouble? Maybe he is too distracted with his cellphone? This flaw will likely be overcome at the end of the story.

Unless something happens at home as he's getting ready, something that will affect him later, don't bother with a 'waking up scene' and jump right to how he ended up in the restaurant.

Now we're on our way. Onward to the finish line!

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