Dylan Kidd: Dylan Becomes A Proxy

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Blood, Gore, and potentially extreme language

American Horror Story and Homestuck references

And I can feel the needle break up inside of my veins.

They tried to tell me I'm insane, but they made me this way.

So come and take me away, from this monster that you made of me,

I feel like dying, erasing all of these memories...

I pulled my body off the ground and wiped the blood away from my mouth, this was becoming a daily occurrence and no one ever bothered to step in and my parents didn't care either. But there was a voice. It was the same voice every time and all it said was "Revenge" over and over and with ever kick to my side and blow to my face, it got louder. And finally, I snapped.

When I got home after school, I went straight to the bathroom and disinfected all of today's wounds. It seemed like the beatings were getting progressively worse as one of my wounds required stitches. The worst part was not the feeling of the alcohol burning my skin or the feeling of the needle in my flesh; the worst part was knowing that when my parents got home they wouldn't notice and they wouldn't care. In a fit of rage I destroyed my room and sat amongst all the things that were broken, just like me. It was at that time that I decided I was finally going to give everyone what they deserved. I put on a black Capricorn shirt that I got from a Con and paired it with ripped, black skinny jeans and my combat boots. I went to my bathroom and painted my face to look like a day of the dead skeleton. I grabbed some purple face paint and and wrote the word "Broken" on the mirror in alternating letters. I grabbed a container of dark gray face paint and took it with me to my room. I wrote the word "Revenge" in all capital letters above my bed's headboard.

I sat in the darkness of my room and waited for my mom to get home with one of her many lovers. At about one thirty when I heard her voice I got up and stumbled over to my closet to get my baseball bat. I listened as her moans filled the room next to mine. I was completely disgusted. I waited about two when she was kicking the man out. I used this opportunity to sneak out of my room and into the hall where the unsuspecting man stood. I tightened my grip on the bat and smashed his kneecaps. He fell to the floor with a loud thud and I bashed his head in with the bat. Some of his blood splashed up onto my face and I smiled psychotically. I dipped my fingers in his blood and wrote the word "Cheaters" above his head. I skipped off down the hall towards my parents room and slowly opened the door. My mom lay asleep and unsuspecting on the dirty, sex stained sheets. I let out a deep growl and walked slowly up to her. As I got closer she began to stir uncomfortably. She opened her eyes and looked over at me.

"Dylan, what the fuck are you doing? Why the hell aren't you in bed?"

I just stared at her.

"Dylan, why won't you answer me? What the hell are you doing?" She questioned again. I just simply looked down and started singing.

"Mama, we're all gonna die.

Mama, we're all gonna die.

Stop asking me questions, I'd hate to see you cry.

Mama, we're all gonna die."  I raised my bat and brought it down on her head breaking her skull open. I watched as the blood stained the sheets and smirked to myself. I smeared some blood on my hands and painted the word "Abandoners" above the bed.

All I had to do now was wait for my "dad" to get home. I went inside his study and and hid behind the door. At about three or so my "dad" walked through his study door. I walked slowly behind and jumped on his back strangling him with the baseball bat.

"PEEKABOO!" I yelled. He gripped my hands trying to get me to let go but my adrenaline rush made me stronger. I watched as all the color drained from his face as he finally choked. I stabbed him with a pen and wrote the word "Invisible" with his blood. I skipped out of the house humming "Give Them Blood" to myself. I grabbed my bat and took the forest trail to Deadman's Drop where all the jocks took their sluts to have sex and smoke weed. 

I noticed that everyone that tortured me was there which made my night a hell of a lot easier. I waited silently in the shadows for my chance; then I noticed a couple leave the group. I followed them and waited until they were too preoccupied with their hormones to notice me. I lurched from behind a bush and smashed their heads together knocking the girl unconscious. Trevor looked up at me.

"You've done it now, Kid." He growled.

He lunged at me and I tripped him. He hit the ground with a harsh thud. I climbed on top of him and landed several punches to his face. I didn't kill him, but he was close to death.

"You disgust me." I spat and walked away from him.

I picked up a brick and made my way over to his girlfriend. I smashed her head open and carved the word "Insecure" into her skin with the sharp part of the rock.

2 down 2 to go.

I made my way back to where the last 2 idiots sat.

"Jay, I'm gonna go take a leak." Rory called. Jason waved him off and took another drag from his cig. I waited till Rory  was out of sight an walked carefully up behind Jason. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Rory, quit fucking around." He growled. I simply tightened my grip.

"Rory?" He questioned. I turned him to face me.

"Dylan?" He asked.

"Boo." I whispered before snapping his neck.

One left.

I sat by the fire waiting for Rory to come back.

"Yo, Jay, did Trev and his girl come back yet? Uh, Jay?" He stopped talking and noticed me. I waited until he got close and dug my fingernails into his eye sockets. He screamed loudly and clutched his face. I lifted my foot and stomped down on his head, crushing his skull.  And now I'm free. I laughed insanely.

I gave them blood, blood. Gallons of the stuff.

I gave them all that they could drink and it has never been enough.

Blood. Blood. Blood.

I'm the kind of human wreckage that you love.

Not long after that, I found myself headed to a mental asylum. Trevor didn't die like I thought he would. Instead he was able to call the police, but he did end up going blind. But something miraculous happened and if it weren't for Jeff, then I'd probably be in the loony bin.

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