Crazy 8's and a Fruit Basket

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Slendy was cooking in the kitchen with the help of Dylan and Sally. Ben and Jane went on a killing spree together and Bonnie was doing whatever cats do with cat-nip she took from Jeff. There was a scream and Chryst came down the stairs bloody in a towel.

Slendy: Chryst what happened? Are you hurt? Do you need a bandaid? Do you need a doctor?

Chryst: I'm fine. I think I killed him.

Jeff: killed who.

Chryst: a weird guy going tick tock while I was getting out the shower. He's on the floor now.

Tockland: *perched on the T.V* who is on the floor?

Chryst: *yelling* THATS HIM!!!!!! *hides behind Masky* THATS THE PERV.

Slendy: * sighs* oh for goodness sakes. This is a new proxy I found. His name is Tockland.

Bon: *like in an addiction class* hi Tockland *sneakers*.

Slendy: *smacks Bon in the back of the head* be nice. Don't scare him off.

Bon: *sniffs catnip and shivers* whatever bitches *stalks off angrily*.

Tockland: Tick tock goes a clock. Tock tick who to pick. *starts speaking Latin*

Jeff: man he's weird.

Slendy: yes well you'll have to deal with it.

Ben and Jane comes back sweaty, bloody and there clothing messed up. There lips were swollen and hair tangled up. Everyone looked shocked and Jeff laughed on the floor.

Jeff: *laughing hard* o-o-oh my gawd. This is th-the funniest thing that has ever happened.

Ben: run now!!!!! Pissed of Millshunac coming this way.

Slendy: Damn you kids. I just cleaned this place.

Suddenly, a small, black, furry ball crawls in the room. Everyone but Tockland backs away.

Slendy: Tockland don't make any sudden movements. Back away slowly.

Tockland: *backs away slowly* its so circular......... Magnificent. ( lol josiahsmith27)

Tockland pulls out a handkerchief and rubs the floor, everyone looked at him like he grew a penis on his ear. He then got on the floor on his stomach after taking Slendy's jacket and putting it under him.

Bon: *comes back with half of Chaos sticking out of her* hey Slendy. Can you help us out?

The Millshunac screeched before attacking Tockland on the mouth. Everyone went into a frenzy trying to help him but as soon as they got it from Tockland to the other pastas before it jumped on Slendy's head. Slendy screamed ran in a rhombus (yes the shape) motion and the Roxanne ( another new character) came and saw the drama. Roxanne: *sighs and speaks in a demanding and tough tone* Mill, come here. *the creature obeys and jumps towards her*. * Before it could land on her* Sitcho Aztec kingdom down or I'll shave you. * it sits down* good. Now go back to your cage. * it leaves out the room and outside*.

Bon: what was that?

Slendy: Roxanne why on earth do you have that thing?

Jeff: are they edible?

Chryst: when did you get out?

Dylan: Yesterday morning when I spiked your bagle with eye drops.

Ben: Jane thats not my leg!!

Tockland: my what a disgraceful living condition, so filthy and unorganized and ........... Ughaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Slendy: SILENCE ALL OF YOU!!!!!! now get ready for the mission in India.

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