Dylan: ............... I Dunno wat to name this so cupcakes

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What happens when you leave a bunch of teenagers home without adult supervision? They get drunk. So Slender had to attend to some "important matters" and he thought he could trust the kids long enough to NOT do anything wrong. Bad assumption. As soon as Bon could no longer sense Slender's presence Jeff ran down to the basement and grabbed some hidden cases of alcohol and BEN ran to get his hidden stash of weed. In no less than thirty minutes all the pasta left were either drunk or stoned. Jeff sat on the couch with his arm lazily draped across Dylan's shoulders; he was drunk out of his mind. Dylan giggled psychotically at every little thing, BEN and LJ we stoned; Miaya, Bon, and Chrys were half stoned half drunk, and everyone else was drunk but not as drunk as Jeff and Dylan.

"No, man, sheeriously. Tockland looks like a fuckin leezard." Jeff slurred.

"Tick tock goes the clock. Tock tick suck my dick." Tockland, the only sober one, sneered.

"Oh shit he's gay too!" Chrys snorted.

"Fuck all of you." Tockland yelled before going to his room.

Miaya, Bon, Dylan, and Chrys began their own drunken conversation that only they could understand.

"Omgoshly like you chickens are my bytches and I luff you both so mush." Miaya slurred. Dylan laughed like a retarded seal then pulled Miaya into a hug. Bon and Chrys tackled the two girls causing all four girls to dogpile on top of each other.

"Holy shit that's hot." BEN breathed.

"Go fuck yourself." Bon hissed.

"I'd rather fuck you." BEN laughed.

"Leave her the fuck alone." Hoodie yelled.

"Got your bitch fighting your battles for you, Bonnie Boo?" BEN mused.

Suddenly BEN lay sprawled on the floor clutching his head. Chrys sat on top of him nailing punch after punch at his face. It took LJ, EJ, Hoodie, and Liu to pull her off of BEN. All four boys had to hold her back as she screamed and kicked trying to break free.

"Next time you won't be so lucky, BEN." She hissed.

Red helped BEN off the floor and over to the kitchen to get an ice pack.

"Silver, come help your girlfriend calm down!" Red yelled from the kitchen.

Silver rushed down the stairs in his pajamas, his hair a disheveled mess. He took one look at Chrys and ran to her side.

"Guys, what the fuck is going on down here?!" Everyone knew it was serious because Silver never cursed.

"Chryst just totally beat the shit out of BEN for startin' shit with Bon." Miaya stated like she she had just seen Stone Cold take down Great White.

"Dude, Slender is gonna fucking kill us." Silver seethed. He took in everyone's appearance before taking charge.

"Everyone that's only buzzed stand to the right. Everyone that's not completely stoned take the left. Everyone else stay where you are." Everyone took their proper places and waited for what was next.

"EJ, go help Red patch up BEN. Masky, go dump some ice water on Dylan and Jeff. Hoods, keep and eye on Bon. Chryst get your ass over here. Everyone else start cleaning this shit up." Everyone ran off to do as they were told.

Chrys rolled her eyes and stood where she had been before. "Chrystal Lee Rose, bring that ass here." Silver growled. Chrys's eyes widened before she sprinted over to Silver. Sliver lifted her up with one arm and carried her up the stairs.

"I love you?" Chryst asked cutely.

"Awe, I love you too. But right now you are in so much fucking trouble." Silver spoke.

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