Words and two short half lemon

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Bonny: Why did we move?

Slendy: because we have to keep moving around.

Chrystal: why do you have to keep moving around?

Ej:so the coppers won't get us.

Bonny: why would the cops want us?

Jeff: because we're killers

Chrystal: Why do we kill?

Ticci Toby: b-because it's s-second nat-ture.

Me: who are you?

Dylan: *punches me in the face* *I fall to the floor* He's Ticci Fuqing TOBY You fuqtardation.

Toby: *chuckles* F-Fu-Fuqtardation?

Me: she is obsessed with the word Fuq.

Dylan: shut up fuqturd

Me: :'(

Masky: lol this is funny

Bonny: she also has an obsession with Je-

Dylan: *shoves twinkies down her throat* Ignore the girl I am killing.

Bonny: *eats twinkies and bites Dylans finger* nice try bitch nogg.

Jeff: well it's kinda cute. *walks away nonchalant*

Dylan: (thought) SO HOT!!!!

Me: * eats corn dogs she got from no where and stares at Dylan* hey Bylam, I fought vu whit Maby.

Dylan: ugh I can't choose. They both are so flippin sexy.

Me: * chokes on corndogs*

Ben: Choking human! *drop kicks her back*

Me: oh fuq my bitch life in the ball sack with a pterodactyl face. My corndogs. And D, you said flippin!

Dylan: *red eyed with dark scary aura* never speak of it.

Me: ugh you need some cheesecake *smirks and runs away*

Masky: you like cheesecake?

Dylan: umm.... I-

Me: oh and I have Jeff's knife *throws knife behind Dylan*

Jeff: where the hell if my damn knife you bastards?

Crystal: umm.... *points behind the tree* right there.

Jeff: *snatches knife off the tree* Thank's Toots. *Runs off nonchalant and giggling sadisticlly*

Ben: hey Bonny, Miaya. I need my game controls.

Bonny: but I'm using it for... Umm... Errr.... Stuff.

Hoodie: *leans on Miaya's shoulder* what kind of stuff?

Me: ugh..... THIS. IS. SPARTAAAAA!!!! *runs away and hits a tree*

Bonny: *runs away and hides inside a tree* this is blaspheme......... MADNESS!!!

Ben and Hoodie: it's not gonna work.

Slendy: I need my yoga suspenders.

Dylan: Miaya burned them along with your penny loafers.

Slendy: I fuqing hate you all.

Ben and Hoodie: *finds Bonny and traps her* Found you.

Bon: Oh son of a bitch nipple. *blushes hard* umm...,hee hee, hay guys. Wasabi whicha?

Ben: where are they?

Bon: I will not surrender to the likes of you!

Hoodie: *husky, sexy voice* tell us please.

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