I'm Miley Cyrus

162 7 0

Slendy: Masky stop twerking in my fucking face.

Masky: I'm Miley Cyrus bitch

Jeff: the fuck is this (points at Pk)

Pk: I am the pancake king.


Lj & Ej: where did he come from.

Alice: (sipping on tea) Alice found him (creepy smile and aura surrounds her) is there a problem?

Lj&Ej: n-n-no ma'am

Alice: (looks innocent again) good * sip*

Masky: Twerk twerk twerk twerk twerk it out.

Slendy: Massssskkkkkyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!

Masky: I'm Miley Cyrus and I came in like a recking ball bitch. * wags butt in Slendy's face*

Slendy: I'm gonna kill ya

Pk: you all are pancakes

JB: jelly beeeeeeeenz

Lj& Ej: da fuq are you

Pk: he is my loyal jelly bean servant

Jb: jelly beeeeenz

Alice: Jack, Alice wants candy

Slendy: Alice no candy before dinner.

Masky: Slenderman? More like Slenderbitch * farts rainbow dust in Slendy's face)

Slendy: that's it bitch

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