DylanKidd: Xbox and Turn Ons

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Chryst: *Growls* stupid piece of fucking trash!

Jeff: You okay, Chryst.

Dylan: No, we're not okay.

Bon: what's up?

Chryst: It's the xbox.

Jeff: What's wrong with it?

Dylan: We turned it on and now we can't turn if off.

Jeff and Bon: *snickering like children*

Chryst: what's so funny?

Bon: Did you not hear what you said?! AHAHAHAHAHA !

Dylan: What? We can't turn it off.

Jeff: *on the floor dying from laughter*

Dylan and Chryst: *middle fingers in the air like...*

Jeff: when, where, and what time?

Dylan and Chryst: *stop and blush*

Dylan: we really need to fix those controllers so we can be one person again.

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