A/N And Fuck Not Given

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Bello reading minds of..... reader humans?........ anyways I just wanted to let you guys know that I thanks yall so much four reading this book! It's a bunch of random stuff I know but wth right? Anyways this is a special A/N. Starting next week We will have a contest. Sunday will be the first day we publish a creepy pasta fan's random role play. Using the characters from this story. You will have full credit for your chapters and what not so don't fret over that. I don't feel like being arrested or Sued for anything..... not now anyways.... BACK TO THE DETAILS! !!! We will choose 2 lucky, funny, random reads a day and post them and dedicate it to the writer, give you a shout out, barf out a baby for you, send you public hair removal shit..... the last two are not happening tho but yeah.......... Hopefully you guys participate. I know you have random shit in your heads waiting to hope out and make me shit myself in laughter so send me the goods in a Private message and we shall pick the funniest ones and yadda yadda yadda. Just so you know, this was a sporadic idea that came to me when I was catching up on teen wolf...... for all the fans on the show, don't kill me but I just started season 2 so yeah. I love my AHS more then Teen wolf so buzz a head or something. Well that's all folks..... you zippers better participate too or I'll. ........ I will Bomb a skunk in your bedrooms. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I'm so evil. Well now TTFN cow tits. Loves ya muches

Creepypasta ComedyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora