The Opossum

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Masky: *eating cheesecake*

Slendy: *cleaning with apron*

Ben: *playing COD*

Alice & Lj: *playing candyland*

(screams come from ballroom. Everyone stops what there doing and runs towards the sound of glass breaking)

Slendy: Ej, you turd, what are you doing!

Ej: *pauses with broom over head* there's an it in here *points at animal*

Alice: Alice thinks it's adorable

Lj: *scoff* are you kidding? It's ugly

Masky: IDK as long as it stays away from mah cheesecake.

Ben: what the hell is it?

Ej: is it an alien?

Alice: Lj, Alice wants to keep it!

Slendy: no Alice. You don't know how filthy it is *twitch* the viruses and bacteria that it carries around.

Creepypasta ComedyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang