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Chryst and Masky *fighting*: bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bit-

Slendy: what is wrong with you two?

Tockland: they are fighting over the key to world of Hands.

Slendy: Wha?

Roxanne: they are fighting for the remote.

Ben: where is Bon?

Jeff: we found a coco tree and she climbed it.

Everyone: WHAT?

Dylan: why the hell would you let her near chocolate?

Tockland: Tick tock goes my fear, Tock tick I'm getting the FUQ IUT OF HERE.

Bon (appears behind him sounding evil): but the party just started.

(The lights go off and when they turn back on, Tockland and Hoodie is gone)

Jeff: What the fuq is going on?

Dylan: Chocolate + Bonnie + Ryder= Hell.

Jeff: ooooh.......... RUN LIKE HELL!!!


Bon and Ry (in one body): we took it of course.

Dylan: shit its Bonryu.

Japanese Racoon: this smells trouble.

Chryst: Bald no face, where is my chloroform and Lj?

Slendy: Lj is in his room and that drug is right here.

Chaos: (takes chloroform and puts it in Slendy's good socks) Fuq the free world.

Dylan: yo chick this isn't 8 mile and you not Jimmy or MCCheese.

Slendy: isn't that a bit too much Chaos?

Chaos, Dylan, and Chryst: its not enough.

Ben: just fix her already.

Jeff: guys..... Wheres my knife?


Bonryu: we have it. Its our toy.

Jeff (angry): that was my favorite you piles of roadkill dick.

Bonryu: too bad. Its ours now along with you friend here.

(Tockland is inside of an empty tank passed out.)

Masky: is it a bad time to twerk?

Everyone: YES.

Chryst: (sneaks from behind and puts rag over her mouth and nose.) Go to sleep little lightening kitty.

Bonryu passes out after chryst is thrown across the room.

Lj: so this is why you needed it?

Ben: yeah. Thanks for the tranq candy.

Lj: I just want her back.

Dylan: Alice isn't coming back Lj. Go get laid or something.

Bon: Get off Ryder.

Ryder: Its not my fault your a couch. Your boobs feel nice.

Bon: get off NYÃH

Ryder: no

Bon: (claws Ryder in the back)

Ryder: I'm use to it.

Bon: wait, why the hell are we here.

Everyone: you two had chocolate.

Bon and Ry: oooooh........ Sorry NYÃH.

Slendy: alright children, time for bed.

Everyone leaves.

Chaos: aren't we forgetting something?

Nacho man: nope, stay cheesy.

Guy with meat: heehee meat on mah berd.

In the next room

Tockland: Help me you asymmetrical creatures of hell! I can't breathe in small places.

Hoodie: (stops in front of the tank).............(walks away eating sardines and milk powder.

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