KARAOKE NIGHT with A Lap Dance

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Bon: Benniiiiiiiiiie

Ben: what is it

Bon: I'm bored *lays on Bens lap*

Ben rubs her head and she goes cat mode and purrs.

Ben: * smirks* oh I forgot about your little soft spots * scratches behind her ear*

Bon: *purrs* mraaar that feels nice

Chryst, Jeff, and Slendy walk in and sees Them.

Jeff: *laughs* awe is Ben being cuddly?

Ben: shut it you asshole

Slendy: Ben, watch your language

Chryst: everyone, Bon is ticklish as hell...... ATTAAAAAAACK.

Bon: *HISS and tries to run* nooooooonooonooonooonoooinoinoo nope.

Ben:* grabs Bon* I got her people.

Sally: I wanna tickle Bon too

Pancake King: I second that

Everyone: PK?

Jeff: didn't Miaya get rid of you?

Bon: nope. Him and my jelly bean, kitty, and the waffle queen.

Everyone: oooooh.

Chryst: back to business *starts tickling Bon*

Bon: *laugh* no *laugh* stop *laugh* tic-tic- *laugh*

Toby and Clock work comes in with a karaoke machine.

Slendy: sat it beside the t.v. The microphones should be long enough.

Bon: * pushes everyone away* I smell a karaoke machine.

Chryst: I felt the presence of a karaoke machine.

Slendy: I did buy you all this. It's a gift to say thank you for not destroying my things for 3 weeks.


Everyone but Slendy: whoooooa partaaaaaaay.

Ben: lets play Dare, triple dare, mega dare.

Everyone nodds and forms a circle.

Ben: okay .......... Masky, choose one ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

Masky: triple

Ben: I dare you to put on Bon's Bra and Chryst panties and act like your king Kong on Slenderpuss.

Masky: (T⌓T)

Ben: 乂❤‿❤乂

Masky: (┳Д┳) Fine

Bon: Don't go in the Bottom drawer.

Chryst: Don't go in my Chest

Masky: ( ̄へ ̄)watever.

Masky goes and comes back in minutes. He wore Bon's blue bra with black laced trimming and Chryst black undies with blue lace.

Bon: wow..... My boobs are big *grabs breast and lifts them*

Ben: *laugh* d-dude you l-look soooooo s-sexy !!!!

Jeff: oh man you look like a fruit cake.

Chryst: he wears my underwear better then me.

Masky: okay let's get this over with.

Masky and the others walk out and search for Slendy. When they found him, he was showering.

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