Mr and Mrs Frankenstein

208 0 0

4th February 1986





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"I love you..." 

It was all dark but I could suddenly hear beeping and machinery and that smell, I could recognise that smell anywhere. I was in hospital and suddenly a feeling of deep dread came over me, I could feel tears running down my cheeks but I couldn't open my eyes yet. I twitched my fingers a little and my toes wiggled. My breathing started to get much heavier, I could hear the beeping getting faster. "...Chrissie....I'm here" I heard Jon's husky voice next to me, instantly soothing me. Gradually the beeping slowed down as he continued to caress my hand. "Jon..." I manage to squeeze out a whisper but my eyes were still tightly shut. "Yeah Baby...It's me" I suddenly felt his hand stroke my cheek, wiping any tears off. A groan slipped from my lips while my eyes slowly creaked open. My blurred vision focusing in on Jon, who had both his hands wrapped round mine. He had bags under his eyes, he mustn't have been asleep yet as he looked so tired. I managed to open my eyes properly after a few times of blinking "What happened? Where am I?" , "A fight broke out in the bar and you got hit with a bottle......cut your head open.....They had to put you to sleep coz you were screaming so much.......They weren't even gonna let me in here until I told em you're dad was in New York....and that we live together" I nod in response, but remain silent so I can soak up the information. "Where are the guys? Is my dad here?" , "They're all in the waiting room, you're dad just left to get some coffee before you woke up" I nod in response "I'm gonna get the doctor" He got up, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead before disappearing from the room. 

I could slowly feel myself starting to panic when he was gone for a while. With only those 4 white walls for company again, my heart began to race and my breathing shaky. "JONN.." I raised my voice just a little but got no response. I forced myself into a siting position, my head throbbing a little with the pain. I slump myself out of bed and make my way to the door, using various things to keep me up. I got to the door way and suddenly started to go a little dizzy, I could feel myself swaying. I was just about to collapse onto the floor when I felt four strong hands on me. Looking up to see Jon and my dad with the doctor, slowly dragging me back to the bed "You should not be out of bed Miss Romano...You need your rest" The doctor ordering me as he lays me back down on the bed "I'm scared of being alone in here" my voice a little shaky. I could tell the doctor didn't know what to say but Jon butted in "It's alright babe, you're not alone....we're here" gripping onto my hand and caressing it slowly. "You alright Bella.....I was so worried honey" My dad coming to the other side of my bed, giving me a peck on the forehead "I'm so glad you're both here with me" My voice all shaky. "We're not going anywhere alright?" My dad giving me a reassuring smile. 

"Alright, So we have stitched up your wounds, It should take a few weeks to heal and we will be giving you some medication to take.....We'll bring you back in, in a few days to check on your stitches... see how everything is going" rhyming off the whole routine which I had heard a million times before, I nod and simply say "I know, thankyou.......". I couldn't help but feel so disappointed in myself, I felt like I had completely ruined the night. Jon could see that I was getting upset so he sat on the edge of the bed and gently stroked my cheek "Tell me what's wrong" He could literally read me like a book. "I feel like I ruined the night, If I hadn't--" He shook his head and cut me off "No....Don't blame yourself...You were out having a nice time for your birthday and some assholes come along and start a fight" , "What happened to them?" quizzing a little nervously "They were arrested" nodding through his words. 

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