Chapter 14

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Once I end my final phone call I turn my anger to Ryder. It had taken me the better part of a half an hour to get all my ducks in a row. A tow truck was coming for the damaged car and taking it to a shop to see if it was salvageable. Thankfully we wouldn't have to wait around for them to get there. I called the rental place and they were more then understanding of the entire situation. The money I threw at them probably helped in that department. They were even willing to send out another car to us within the hour. Not wanting to wait that long I asked them to bring it to the hotel.

Before I forgot I open up the Uber application on my phone and order a car. According to the application they should be here within thirty minutes. Luckily we decided not to stay in the city this time and instead got hotels in a place called Orland Park. The town was built up enough for the guys to finds things to keep themselves occupied, but small enough we might be able not to draw too much attention to ourselves. Plus Orland was way closer to where Skylar's parents live then Chicago.

Realizing I can only put the confrontation with Ryder off for so long I dust my clothes off and walk over to him. He continues to glance down at the ground while I approach. I stop when I'm in front of him and cross my arms waiting for him to make the first move.

"If you are waiting for me to tell you I'm sorry for the car I won't," he says without removing his gaze from my shoes. "Am I sorry I made more work for you sure, but not sorry I destroyed the car." He rises his eyes to mine and clenches his jaw. "At the time I needed to punch something. My anger was taking control and I didn't know what else to do."

I forget the guys don't always have the skill sets to deal with situations. Especially when their anger sparks and at that point all bets are off. They weren't all taught the skills needed to deal with their emotions. The only two who seem to have more control are Dimitri and Lucan. Except Dimitri looses control when anything involves Skylar. Ryder, Mason and Tray were always my wild children.

Those three kept me on my toes. Granted Lucan and Dimitri weren't saints mind you, but they never went off half cocked. I've lost count of the number of times I had to clean up the three stooges messes or how much time and money I had to go thorough. Especially that first year because not only was this their first year of fame, but also my first year in the job. So many mistakes were made in that first year on both sides, but we still pulled through.

Thankfully now they seemed to have mellowed out. Dimitri was claimed and Ryder hasn't had many scandals in a while. Other than the incident at the bar and now the car he's been doing well. Lucan only had the one pregnancy scare, but other than that he has always kept his nose clean. Now Mason and Tray aren't in the press too much anymore, but only because they have learned how to avoid it.

I've reached another cross road with him. I can either ream him for his actions or I can put myself in his shoes and forgive him. The manager in me wants to ream him for his childish behavior, but the other side of me wants to hold him in my arms.

This was another reason I didn't want to become romantically involved with him. I'm now torn on how to deal with this with him. If it had been any of the other guys I would not be second guessing my choices. I would have laid into them and they would think twice before doing something like this again. But since this was Ryder we were talking about I didn't feel comfortable reprimanding him. Especially since disclosing my past to him is what lead us to this point.

Why does it all have to be such a mess? Oh yeah because this is my life we are talking about . Nothing has come easy for me regardless of what others may think. Sure my parents were well off, but that was their money and not mine. Which that had no problem letting me know just that. If I wanted something outside the realm of clothes and food I had to figure out my own way to get it. Unless their friends were bragging about how their children had something then I would find whatever it was on my bed the next day. Regardless of wither I wanted it or not.

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