Chapter 61

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Hours roll into days and days roll into weeks. Nothing has changed. He's trying to avoid me as much as I him. We act as strangers which hurts the most. Never understood how you can go from being a major part of someone's life to nothing. Now I do. 

I've lost my boyfriend and best friend all in one day. Ryder was the only one to keep me from going off the deep end and now I don't have him. Lucan and Skylar have both tried to step up, but still not the same. There a moments I find myself almost texting or calling him, but stop myself at the last minutes.

I've caught him watching me from the distance, but when he notices I too am watching him he will walk away. We've been on the outs with each other before, but never like this. When I had thought about leaving the guys I only did because I was hurting, but now me leaving might be for the best. There is no way we can all work together with Ryder and myself had such odds with each other. Our issues have now become the bands issues.

Lucan and the others try to reassure me all is well, but I can physically see the strain this is putting on everyone. Everyone walks around almost like a zombie. I've never seen so many darkened eyes before. We no longer feel like a family.

Even Dimitri and Skylar have started fighting more frequently. More than one night Skylar has slept on my bus and there were a night or two her and I shared a hotel room. This is suppose to be a happy time for them. They should be planning their dream wedding, but instead all talks about the wedding has stopped. Which makes me feel even more guilty. Their relationship should not be having problems because of Ryder and myself.

For the first few weeks the music didn't suffer, but now they don't sound like the same band. To the untrained ear they still sound the same, but I've been with them since the start and can hear the difference. Right now the difference is only subtle, but over time it's only going to get worse.  

Ryder has continued to surround himself with women whenever we go out, but I've never seen him leave with anyone. He's also started to welcome the extra attention thrown his way after concerts. The guys usually have to drag him away from the meet and greats were as before I had to drag him to them. How much has changed in such a short span of time. 

He's also been caught more than once high from weed. At least the guys tell me the substance is weed, but call it women's intuition he's done more than weed. The others are only trying to hide the truth from me, but a few times I caught them talking about maybe needing to get him into rehab after the show. I've been researching the best place he could go. We may not be together anymore, but I still love him and want what's best for him.

The crew gives him a wide berth and if they need something they will go to the others. They had given me some space for a few days, but since I'm the one in charge that didn't last long. Plus Skylar was starting to look ragged from all the extra work and I was feeling guilty for dropping the extra work on her shoulders. We were a team and I wasn't being much of a team player. 

Ever since New Orleans Adam has been like an annoying mosquito buzzing in my ear. Very seldom is he away from my side. Too get away from him in public I find myself spending more and more time in the women's bathroom. He's been trying to convince me to sign with him as his manager. Mr. Gear has even offered me more money if I was to ditch Steel Wolf and work with Adam. Too which I continue to say no. 

Wicked Minion has been acting out like a two year old. One of my favorites was when they snuck some women on the bus when we were traveling to another concert location and I had to find them ways home. Now Frank has to do a bus check whenever we are heading out and you would think no one extra would be there. Wrong. Now they have turned it into a game to see if the can hide them well enough to not get caught. They still get caught. Not many hiding places on the bus.

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