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Linda Collins' looked at her son in complete and utter disappointment as she said "I want you to go straight to your room and stay there until your father gets home."

"Yes ma'am."  The defeated teenager said as he made his way up the stairs to the second floor. 

"And I don't want any trouble from you young man."  She said as she shook her head in dismay.  She did not know what had gotten into that boy recently.  "And I better not hear the door slam."  She yelled up the stairs.

"Yes ma'am." Jasper called back.

"Unbelievable."  Jasper heard his mother mutter as he walked into his room.  He threw is bookbag on a chair and then jumped onto his bed.  He buried his face in his pillow as he released all of his bent up frustration and anger.  He did not dare do it in while he was in the care with his mother.  That would have only earned him another beating and he was sure he would snap if he received one more.

He screamed into the pillow and then began to pound on the bed as he said "Not fair, not fair."  Several expletives escaped from his mouth that he hoped did not carry downstairs to his mother's eyes.  He felt a thrill fear as he expected to hear his mother's footsteps rushing up the stairs with a bar of soap in one hand and a wooden spoon in the other.

Thankfully she did not hear him.

At least something has gone right in my life for once he thought bitterly.  

He looked at his bookbag and thought he really should get started on the paper for Ethan. Not only that he had his own homework to do which included his punishment assignment for helping Mason Chambers cheat.

He was shocked that Mason did not try to bully him to do his punishment assignment for him. He guessed trust he probably found some other nerd to do his bidding.

But he could not find the motivation to get off his bed. All he wanted to do was lay there, stare at the wall, and think about how much his life sucked.

Plus his backside was still on fire from the multiple beatings he received. And there was also the welts that had accumulated on his backside.

You know Buddy complains about his dad a lot he thought. But I doubt Mister Johnson would have treated him like this. Yes he would have been angry with him, yes he would have yelled at him, and he would have whipped him. But he would not have treated him like he was subhuman.

You don't realize how lucky you are Buddy he thought. I'll take your philandering father over my cold hearted, unmerciful one every day.

The grass is truly greener on the other side he mused.

I don't have one good thing in my life he thought. Not one.

A knock was at his door. He said come and a ten year old boy that looked like a miniature version of him walked in.

"Hey Kent."

"Hey." He said as he looked at his brother in sympathy.

"Can I help you with anything."

"I just wanted to see if you were okay?" The boy asked.

"I'm just peachy." His voice riddled with sarcasm. How do you think I'm doing he wanted to snap at him but restrained himself.

It's not his fault I got in trouble he reminded himself. Don't take it out on him.

"I'm sorry you got in trouble." Kent told him. It broke his heart to see his brother in so much pain.


"Do you want me to get you a soda?"
He asked.

"Sure." Jasper said.

"I'll be right back." Kent then scurried from the room.


Jasper exhaled sharply as he said "Okay maybe one good thing."

But I would be hard pressed to find two he thought.

A few minutes Jasper's eyes widened as Kent not only walked in with a soda but a slice of pie as well. 

Jasper winced in pain as he stood.

"Mom said to give you this." Kent told him.

"Thanks." She must be feeling guilty he mused.

"Do you need anything else?"

"No I'm good." Jasper said. "Thanks again." He placed the soda and pie on the dresser.

"You're welcome." Kent then rushed out passing his mom who was walking in.

Jasper then said "He's a great little brother." He thought how blessed he was to have him.

"That he is." She said as she looked at the door. She then looked at him and said "That's because he has such a wonderful big brother."

"Skylar." He said referring to his older half brother from his dad's first marriage.

Her eyes narrowed as she said "I was talking about you, Jasper."

"Oh." He said. Pie and a compliment she must be really be feeling bad about how I was treated. "Thanks." 

"You're welcome sweetie."  She said. "Please sit."

Jasper grabbed a pillow and sat down. "Now I have spoken with your father and we both agreed that you have been spanked enough to day."

"Thanks." They weren't spankings he thought they were beatings.

"But you are still grounded."

"Yes ma'am." He could care less about being grounded. It was not like he ever actually went out anywhere. He was never invited to the cool parties nor even the medicore ones. Like I would if I was.

"You will get sentences tonight before bed."

"Yes ma'am."

"So you better get your homework done."

"I will ma'am."

She then walked over to him and gently rubbed the side of his face. "We are very disappointed in you but we do love you honey."

You love me dad not so much he thought. "Yes ma'am."

"Promise me that you will never do something like this again."

An uneasy feeling went through him as he thought about Ethan. He was counting on him and he did not want to let him down. Especially since he promised to help him with the football team.

He could have a semi good year if he just did one paper for him. He would be a fool to not to do it.  He could spend his last not getting swirlees, wedgies, and pounded in the arm.

"Jasper." She said pulling him from his musings. " Promise me."

"I...."  He cut himself off as a voice screamed at him not to do it.

"Come on Jasper I want you to promise me that you will never do that again."

Her eyes implored him, begged him to promise. He wanted to resist, say know but he found that he could not.

"I promise." He said as his stomach began to twist into a thousand knots.

She gave him an approving smile. Something like the praise he had seen very little of.  "Thank you." She then kissed him on the cheek. "I'm going out I will be back in a hour."

"Yes ma'am."

"Remember don't leave the room."

"I wont."

He then sat down and let out a sigh as he thought what am going to do now.

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