Buddy and the sadist

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"Hey Buddy." Caryn Collins the eighteen year old sister of Jasper said as she walked towards him. She gave him a pleasant smile and said "What are you doing?"

"I'm here to see Jasper."  Discomfort filled him as saw Caryn's boyfriend walk towards his car. No he thought. Leave Butch alone. He's been through enough crap this week he does not need anymore grief.

"Why?" Caryn asked confused.

"Because he is my friend." He said as Butch got out of the car. As sick feeling formed in the pit of his stomach as he was sure he knew what was going to happen next.

Disgust crossed her face as she said "I think you need better taste in friends."

"I think you need better taste in boyfriends." He then watched as Butch turned around and lifted his shirt for their cousin Ron to see his bruised covered back.

Anger flashed across Ron's face and he called Mister Winters as unflattering term as he slammed his fist into the palm of his hand.

What a hypocrite he thought. If Winters did this to Jasper you would be high fiving him.

"Excuse me." Caryn said as her eyes narrowed at him.

"No offense." Brian said. "I just don't know how you can date a guy who treats your own brother like crap."

"Because he deserves it."

"He deserves it." Brian said with ire in his voice. "He deserved to have his head shoved in a toilet? To be forced to like mine and Ethan's shoes clean like he was a dog? You really think your brother deserves but constantly terrorized by a sadist."

He then asked "Where is your loyalty to your own flesh and blood."

"Wow judgmental much?" She then shook her head in desrision.

"When it comes to bullies and abusers I am."  Brian said.

"Ron is not a bully." She said angrily. "And he is not a sadist."

"Jasper would disagree." He said.

Her voice was etched with frustration as she said "Jasper is a troll." Hate filled her eyes. "And if anyone is a bully its him."

"Excuse me." He smirked in disbelief. "You can't be serious."

"Oh I am serious." She said. "He may not bully people physically but he does verbally."  Anger flickered in her eyes. "You know why he was given a swirlee today?"

"Because my cousin and his friends get off on preying on weaker people and humiliating him so they can feel like big men."

"Oh drop dead Buddy." She spat. "You know I really felt sorry for what happened to you with Randall but now I think you deserved what he did to you."

No surprise there Brian thought.

"You are nothing but a self righteous hypocrite." Caryn shot at him. "You sit in judgment of me and preach to me about being.  disloyal to a brother who made a joke about me being a two dollar whore while calling your own cousin a sadist. Where's your loyalty to your flesh and blood?"

"I'm sorry that he said that stuff  but he still did not deserve..."

"He deserves everything that happened to him." She shouted which caught Ron's and Butch's attention. A look of embarrassment crossed her face and  she said in a low voice   "And more."

Ron said goodbye to Butch and then walked up to the porch. "What's going on?" He put his arm Caryn and said "Causing trouble Buddy?"

"He was sharing his stupid opinion about what you did to Jasper." Caryn said.

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