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Brian wished that he could be happy right now. After all his biggest wish had finally been fulfilled. He finally able to socialize with his brothers without having to sneak around, without having to worry about unsettle his mother, and without fear retaliation.

Also it looked like Butch would be staying with them for awhile. No more going weeks without seeing him. No more worrying if his stepdad was mistreating him.

He should be ecstatic about all the changes but he was not.

He was worried about Mason sitting in a jail cell. From what he understood he had completely shutdown. He was just sitting in his cell staring off into space.

When he did talk he sounded like a five year old.

And he was facing assault charges for attacking their mother.

He must have had a complete mental breakdown he thought. The years of mental and physical abuse from their mother had finally taken its toll.

His mind was shattered and Brian did not know if he would be ever whole again. He feared that he had lost his brother forever. He prayed that he hadn't but doubted that he would ever be able to bounce back from this.

And then there was Brandon. Trying to chase his pain away alcohol. Finding solace in a six pack. Devastated by the revelation about their mother. Finally forced to face what a horrible person she truly was.

Both of them in tremendous pain and there was nothing he could do help them.

Or Ben.

Because it him his secret shame was exposed. He had to admit to their father and his wife what had been happening to him all these years.

And having to face a cruel, unforgiving town that will deride and mock him. That will treat him like a criminal instead of victim.

His father walked out of the back with Ben behind him. Brian was glad that Paula was understanding. That she did not leave him like he feared.

"How is Brandon?" Brooks asked.

"He's sleeping." Burt said.

"Is he in trouble?" Byron asked.

"No." Burt shook his head. "He's not in trouble." You on the other hand my son are a different story. But I will deal with you later.

"Excuse me." Ben said and then headed to the kitchen where Paula and the baby were.

"Is he okay." Brian asked.

"He's fine." Burt tried to assure him but Brian could see the concern in his eyes. He like Mason and Brandon were far from fine.

Like I'm far from fine he thought as he felt a wave of emotion come over him. Guilt, shame, betrayal were all crashing down in his shoulders seeking to drive him through the floor of the apartment and through the next to into the foundation of the building itself.

He fought against the urge to cry. I've done enough of that today he thought. I will refuse to allow that woman to make me shed one more tear.

I wont do it.

Also I've cried way too much in public. He then sniffed. I'm not embarrassing myself like that again. I've had enough emotional rollercoasters for one say.

"I'll be right back."  He said as he could feel the maelstrom of emotions behind to tear through him.

Brian walked into the bathroom and gripped both sides of the sink as he said stop it. Don't lose it, don't fall apart, don't be a baby.

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