Chapter LXVIII

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Brian hated to leave his brothers, he wanted to spend just one more minute getting to know them before they to head back to Adamsville and the scary future that he was about to face. It hurt him psychically to have to leave them and he could see that the feeling was the same. It amazed him at how quick of how connection that he made with them, how they were no different to him than Brandon or Butch. Barrett hugged him tightly as he said goodbye to him with warm tears filling his eyes. He told him that he was going to miss him and he assured the nine year old that he would see him again soon.

One good thing that occurred that Brian found rather miraculous was that their mother actually allowed him to take a picture of himself with him and post it to social media account. He had been certain that she would have been left than receptive to that idea. That she would be scared it would corrupt their souls and turn them into godless heathens.

While his father said goodbye to his brothers Darla walked up to him with a small smile. "It was very nice meeting you Buddy."

"It was nice meeting you today."

"And I am glad that your brothers have finally had the opportunity to meet you." She said.  "And I think you will be a very good influence on them."

"I plan too." He said.  A uncomfortable feeling began to overcome him as he looked into her eyes.  He began to find it hard to breathe and his stomach began to churn.

"I know." Darla looked at him in concern and said "Are you okay?" She then gently touched his arm which caused his skin to crawl.

He recoiled "Yes ma'am." He then moved back as the cries from that went through his mind.

Stop it he screamed inwardly. Dont freak out here. You freak out here she will never allow you to see your brothers again.

"Alright let's go." Burt said.

"Okay." Brian said seemingly lost in thought as Darla's concern for him began to deepen.  She looked as if about to say something but he said goodbye as an invisible hand seemed to push him towards the car.

He walked over to the passenger door and did not look at them as he got in.  He sunk in the seat trying to compose himself.  Pleading with himself nor throw up in his father's car.
His father got in and had a look of pure triumph across his face. He had never seen his father so happy. Brian wanted to say something but found that he could not talk he just sat silent praying his feelings would go away.

"So what do you think of your brothers?" Burt said catching them in the rear view mirror as they waved them off. He waved at them once more and then turned the corner.

"They're nice." He then let out a cough as he regained his composure. "Very sheltered." He said wondering if they ever got the chance to leave their property and interact with other humans. Or were they forced to stay there day after day.

"That they are." Burt said not concealing his disapproval.

Brian then said "I mean the next time I find myself complaining about being sheltered I will think about the three of them." And I thought I was not allowed to do anything. That complaint will never leave my lips again.

A somber look crossed Burt's face as he said "Well as I said at the restaraunt let's see how about relaxing some the rules on you."

I like the sound of that he thought. "What about them?" A thought then entered his mind. "And Butch?"

"Butch I might be able to change some things for." A stab of guilt went through his stomach as he chided himself for taking so long to do something about his situation. "Let's see how his day went with Brandon and then I will go from there." He turned onto the highway and then said "But for your brothers its a little more complicated. Their mother wants to keep them protected in a tight little bubble for long as she can."

"That's not fair to them." Brian said. "I mean if she wants to home schooling with them that's find. But they need friends, humans other than their mother or siblings to interact with. I meanI know going to private or public school does not guarantee that someone is going to have tons or friends or an active social life." He thought how the home schooled kids who live a couple of doors down from them have twenty times the social life then poor Jasper does. "But she can't keep them coped up in that house all day." He then gave his father an accusatory look as he thought and how could you let that happen daddy. They are your sons. You should have helped them.

"Very wise words Buddy." He said with a smile. "And I think we can see about getting them a little more social active."

"Maybe we could introduce them to the Mercers."

Burt's face went pale white as a feeling of dread began to rise inside of him. "The Mercers?" He said finding it difficult at that moment to swallow.

"Yeah Grant and Trent down the street." He said. "They're home schooled too."

Burt relaxed as he said "That is a good idea." I just have to make sure what branch of the Mercer family tree they are.

"So who do I meet next?" Brian said with excitement in his voice.

"Excuse me."

"There are still eleven half siblings I have yet to meet." He said with enthusiasm in his voice "Who do I get to meet next?"

He then let out a sigh as he said "Number one there are the last of my Adams County kids, the closest ones live in Polk and Tyler." His found it difficult to look his son in the eye as he spoke.

"Great our neighboring counties lets go." Adams county was sandwiched between the two.

"They are over an hour drive away." He said.

"Don't care." Buddy replied. "Its only two in the afternoon, we have time."

Oh to be sixteen again he thought. "Son we need to head back to Adamsville, I have a job to get back to, you have home work, I need to talk to with Brooks and Butch." An uncomfortable look crossed his face. "And we have another matter to take care of."

His face became somber and the excitement he felt at meeting his other siblings quickly waned. "I guess we do." His stomach began to churn and he felt as if he was going to be sick again.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." Brian said. "What are you going to do about mom?"

"I'm not sure." Burt said as the rush of anger hit him. "I guess I should talk to Mason first, get his side of the story." Then I probably should talk to Brandon too. See what he has to say and Esther.

"I should talk to Mason first." Brian said as he felt guilt begin to stab at him. "I broke my promise to him, I should be the one tell him."

"Hey you did nothing wrong in telling me." Burt assured him.

"I know daddy." He sunk his seat as the you are exiting Mercy Hallow sign passed him. He found himself worrying what this revelation will do to his family. And not only our family but mom's family he thought. His mind then went Uncle Stan as he thought he would not take his accusations very well. A cold shiver then went up his spine at thought of how he would react.

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