Of partings and papers

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Brian did not say much during lunch or during the drive back to the apartment. He withdrew into himself not participating in conversation with his brothers. A cloud of malaise seem to hover over him.

They soon walked into the apartment where they found apacked suitcase by the door.

"What's going on?" Brian asked. Please don't tell me that Paula kicked Ben out.

Brandon then appeared from the hallway with a bag in his hand.

"You leaving?" Butch said.

"Yeah I need to get away for awhile." Brandon said visibly upset.

"I don't blame you." Brian muttered.

"Where are you going?" Byron asked.

"To see Amber." Brandon said. "I'll be staying with my friend Connor."

"Does daddy know?" Butch asked. Surely daddy is not going to let him run off right now.

"I'll call him from the road." Brandon said.

"Do you have to go?" Butch asked.

"Yes I do." Brandon said. He could tell that he did not enjoy that idea. "But its only going to be for a week. Until she is done with classes and then we will come back." He then hugged Butch. "Be good okay."

"I will." Butch said.

He then hugged Byron. "You too." He said. "Tell Barret and Bysshe I'll take you guys out when I get back."


He then walked over to Brian and guilt was in his eyes as he looked at him. He hated to leave him especially but he could not stay.

He's not a little kid Brandon he told himself. He is more capable of talking care of himself than you give him credit.

"You be good too." Brandon said. "Dont make me have to whip your butt when I get back."

Brian then laughed. "You won't."

The then hugged. "I love you bro."

"Me too." Brian said.

"You guys want to walk me to the car?" He was about to pick up his suitcase but Butch grabbed it for him.
Brandon just smiled and nodded.

"Tell Brooks and Brendan I said goodbye too." He said as they walked out.

"We will." Brian said.

Fifth period class was study hall that Jasper had in the library. When he walked in Ethan was sitting at a table with several books spread out before him. He nervousness as he looked at him.

He's not going to be happy he thought He's going to be upset when I tell him I'm not going to do the paper. He will probably slap me around a little but I don't care.

I just don't want to get into anymore trouble. I don't want to be whipped again by my dad.

As he walked over he saw Ron, Frances, and Mason sitting at one table. Eric and Brian's brother Bright were at another. Jack Dalton was off by himself with his perpetual sour look.

Parker was sitting at a computer probably doing something not school related.

Jasper could not help but feel nervous being in the same room with Frances and Mason.

He then walked over to the table and Ethan looked up. "Hey."

"Hey." Jasper said. "Can we talk?"

"Sure have a seat." Ethan said. "I hear you went all Chuck Norris on Randall."

"I guess I did."

Ethan smirked. "Good for you."

"I'm a little worried what he might do." Jasper said.

"Don't worry." Ethan said. "From what I understand Ron and Eric have your back."

"I hope so." Jasper gave him an uneasy look. I need to tell him.

"I can't do the paper/I'm going to do my paper." They said at the same time. The two then laughed.

"Really?" Jasper said.

"Yeah." Ethan said. "My daddy found out about me trying to get Buddy do to my paper and was not happy with me." He then rubbed his still aching backside. "I thought it best just to do the paper and avoid possibly getting into anymore trouble."

"Yeah I don't want to get into anymore trouble."

Silence came over the library as the vice principal walked in followed by deputies. All eyes fell on them and they wondered who they were there for.

Its got to be Jack Jasper he thought. He must have done something.

The vice principal looked at each of the boys who fear fell over. "Mason Shaw you need to come with us please."

"Why?" His voice shook and his skin went pale white.

"Just come with us son."

"No." The eighteen year old said. "Not until you tell me why."

The vice principal sighed. "We know Mason."

"About what?" He spat.

His face fell as comprehension hit him. Mrs. Johnson he thought they know about Mrs. Johnson.

"I can explain." The two deputies walked over him and help him to his feet. They then placed his hands behind his back as they cuffed them. "Ron help me."

Ron just looked away as he was led out.

Wow Jasper thought.

Wow just wow Burt thought as he stood in the waiting room speaking to the doctor. Brendan sat in a chair looking at his phone.

"She is stablized." The doctor said. "We are going to keep her for the night in case of any secondary reactions and then she will be transferred to the county prison hospital."


"She is awake if you want to see her."

"No." Burt shook his head. "That won't be necessary." I have no desire or reason to see her. If the boys or Esther want to that is fine. "Thank you Doctor."

"You're welcome."

He then walked over to Brendan and said "You ready?"

"Mason Chambers just got arrested." Brendan said shocked. "The police pulled him out of study hall." He then looked at Burt. "Do you have what is going on."

"I have a suspicion." Burt said. More than likely they found out he is the one she paid to drug Kelly at her party. "But I can't say."

He wanted to beg his father to tell him but knew that would be futile. "Yes sir."

"Let's go." He said and put his arm around his son as he walked out.

"Is Elizabeth going to be okay."

"I think so."

"That's good." Brendan said. "I don't like what she did but I don't want her to die or anything."

"Same." He then pulled his son closer and said "You are good boy."

"Thanks." He said as they walked into the elevator and the door closed.

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