Letter 03

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Jisung stepped out of his apartment door, closing it properly while holding his backpack.

He stepped back once the door is already close and wore his backpack properly before finally walking to the bus stop.

Today is Sunday and he has nothing else to do but to hang out with his friends so now he will be meeting them in a café Felix suggested because the lad said that he has something interesting to share.

It's only 10:30 AM and their meeting time is 12 noon. Yup! Too early for the meet up schedule but he's actually going to the postal office hoping that it's open since today is Sunday.

A week ago he tried writing a letter for this unknown future lover of his and the next day he found himself inventing an address using the names of popular places around his school then put some random number and just send the letter to the post office. Of course he knows that sending that letter to the post office is just a waste of time knowing that the address is fake but doing this makes him feel less lonely so today he decided to send another letter.

It's his second letter to send. He clearly knows that this is just a waste of time because his letter will probably be stuck in the post office forever but who cares? It's just him who knows about this so it's fine. No one will know.

Jisung rode a bus going to the post office and when he arrived he wore his mask to keep himself unrecognisable. He's shy that someone might see him doing such a stupid thing just because he desperately want to have a special someone.

Funny, he desperately want to experience that romantic excitement for someone, he really wants to be with someone but he's not certainly searching for one because he still believes in the "natural process" of romance he's just waiting hopelessly.

He entered the post office and starts doing his thing. He just spent a short time for that and when his letter is already taken he immediately walked out of the post office and went to the bus stop to go and meet his friends.

Since the café Felix suggested is new, Jisung had a hard time looking for it and when he found it his friends are already there waiting for him.

"Sorry, I went searching for this café to the other street." Jisung said when he arrived.

"It's okay, sit here beside me babe. Our boy Felix is telling us a story about this engineer dude he met on the internet." Jeongin said, trying to make fun of the freckled boy who's so excited sharing his internet love to his friends.

Jisung sat beside Jeongin while looking straight to Felix who is now glaring at their youngest friend.

"What about this dude?" Felix's face suddenly lit up when Jisung asked him about this dude he met on the internet two weeks ago.

"Oh gosh! You wouldn't believe how attractive he is I love him." Felix excitedly started which made Jisung look at him in disbelief.

"When did you started talking to this guy and you already love him?" Jisung asked, making Jeongin and Hyunjin laugh.

"They are chatting only for two weeks," Hyunjin responded.

"Felix, are we on this again? I told you to stop believing those fuckers on the internet they are probably a poser." Jisung sighed at his friend. He's always like this, searching and seeking love on the internet as if it's really interesting and pure. Jisung found it stupid.

"Hey! I didn't even started telling you about him yet. Hear me out first I swear this guy is different." Jisung rolled his eyes on him while Hyunjin and Jeongin let out a loud laugh making Felix pout.

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