Letter 49

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The night runs quickly, the boys only realised the time when Felix told them that Chan was waiting for him in front of the building to pick him up. That's also the cue for the other couple to excuse themselves to Jisung and Minho, leading them into the current situation.

All of them are standing outside the building with a confused looking Chan after seeing Minho with them.

"Hey, Min. Didn't know you were here too?" Chan asked his friend.

Felix walked closer to his boyfriend and pecked on his cheeks as his greeting to the man before smiling so wide and giving his gaze to the newest couple, "he's Jisung's boyfie, he went to visit Sungie and it just happened that we're here," Felix said, earning a shocked gasped from Chan.

"Really? Since when?" Chan asked the new couple.

"Two weeks ago, Hyung," Jisung shyly answered, making his three friends giggle at him.

"Really? Congratulations!" Chan said.

They ended up staying there for another 5 minutes until Jeongin told them that they'll get going so Chan and Felix also excused themselves, leaving Jisung and Minho together.

Once the two cars were already out of the couple's sight, Minho sneaked his right arm around Jisung's waist, "wanna go somewhere and hang out?" The older one asked.

"Aren't you tired from work?" Jisung worriedly asked but Minho only gave him a sheepish grin before responding a bit flirty, "not anymore, I already recharged my energy being with my power bank," he said proudly while smiling so wide and eyebrows were moving up and down.

Jisung giggled in return, rolling his eyes to his boyfriend's flirting attempt, "you've gotten corny, Hyung." Jisung teased, making them both laugh.

"You just have to admit that you liked the punchline, Hanji," Minho playfully responded while shaking his head, acting like he's disappointed by the younger's response.

"The punchline was corny, you have no future," the couple laughed together until they both felt embarrassed at the fact that they are openly flirting outside so Minho cleared his throat to get the younger's attention then asked, "so what do you think? Wanna hang out?"

"What about let's just stay here and watch something then cuddle? I don't wanna go somewhere knowing that you're probably tired from work, let's just rest here," Minho couldn't stop himself from smiling after hearing the younger's response. He's always so caring and considerate.

"I'm just saying that today's my payday and I want to treat my boyfriend but cuddling is the best option, I guess?" Minho smiled, making Jisung nod in agreement.

"Let's just cuddle and rest," the younger man said softly to the older man. Minho slid his hand on Jisung's hands and intertwined their fingers together before they went back to Jisung's apartment.

As they had agreed, the couple just stayed in Jisung's room while cuddling. Jisung set up his computer in front of the bed to get a proper view of the movie they randomly selected on Netflix to watch. Of course, it was a horror movie, something that Jisung really likes watching, it might not be obvious but Jisung and Jeongin like these kinds of movies while their other two friends are pretty much the scaredy cats, especially Felix. Jisung just got so used to it since horror was always what they watch during movie dates with his friends that he also adopted it now with Minho. Minho on the other hand wasn't really that of a fan but he's fine with anything as long as Jisung's enjoying.

"That's just some algebra, how can't they answer it earlier? Girlie died because her classmates didn't study well," Jisung commented jokingly as he focused his attention on the movie that's now showing an equation written in an aquarium with a dead body of a girl inside floating in the water.

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