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Minho opened his eyes the moment he heard his alarm ringing. He turned it off and checked his phone for any messages from Dahyun regarding his schedule for today and like usual, it was packed. Morning schedule is always packed, but he's growing more used to it already since he can't choose any other schedule anymore because morning is the most convenient schedule he could have now.

He turned around to see a fluffy ginger cat curled up beside him. He smiled and stretched out his hand to pet the cat. "Good morning, Soonie," he whispered, before finally standing up. He needs to feed the fur babies before going to work.

He walked out of the room, Soonie following behind. He started walking to the kitchen to look inside the fridge. Once the sound of the opening fridge door lingered, running paw steps, loud meowing, and excited barking greeted him.

Minho looked down at the four—practically screaming—animals in front of him and said, "Hey, calm down you all. Don't tell me what to do, I'll feed your hungry asses in a few," he said, then looked around the kitchen until he noticed a sticky note pasted on the microwave.

He smiled upon seeing the note and immediately get it to read.

Breakfast's inside just reheat it if needed. Eat before leaving for work. I did my best not to burn them this time. I must receive a good compliment from the master chef!!

Your culinary student,
Han Jisung <3

Minho laughed as he read the younger's note. He returned to his room to grab his phone, which he used to FaceTime Jisung. It took only a few seconds for the younger to respond, flashing his ears at the camera, which made Minho instantly laugh.

"This is FaceTime, baby," Minho said, giggling at the younger man when he heard him oh-ed right after hearing his boyfriend.

The screen finally displayed Jisung's face, he wasn't looking at the camera and his arms took almost half of the screen view since he's inside a car which Minho recognised, "[I'm driving, Hyung.]" Jisung said.

With a lighthearted chuckle, Minho answered, "Obviously." and when he heard the younger man groan at his response, he laughed.

"Where are you taking my car, Jisung?" the elder man said, leading Jisung to cast a short glance at him before returning his attention to the road.

"[I told you last night that I'd bring the car to the repair shop today; you can't be wandering around in a car with an engine issue, Hyung; it's been almost two weeks since the clanging started.]" Jisung stated, making Minho sigh.

"What do I use for work? How long will the repair take? You know I hate waiting for a bus," Minho grumbled, this time making Jisung whine.

"[Hyung, would you risk your life rather than not having the convenience you want for a short time? We don't even know what's this car's problem. Just assume that it'll take a week. Just a week riding a bus, love.]" Jisung explained. That shut Minho for a few seconds. One thing he realised after almost two years dating is that Jisung thinks more reasonable than him.

"Okay, I don't really have any other choice," he answered, which earned a smile on the younger's face.

"[Hmm. Have you had your breakfast yet? I prepared you something.]" Jisung giggled, leading Minho to grin.

"Not yet," Minho answered, "but I called to say thank you. You're such a hubby material." He teased which made Jisung blush quickly. That's something Minho has observed about the younger; he likes receiving compliments like that.

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