Letter 48

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Both men entered Jisung's apartment once the younger opened the door. Jisung escorted the older to the kitchen, they stood up in front of the counter where Jisung usually put his instant premixed beverages, "okay, so what do we have here?" Jisung whispered, looking on the countertop.

"Hmm... I have instant tea here and Juice? Wait... I think this is juice. I have a few snacks here too, what do y-" Jisung got cut when Minho gently held his wrist and made him face the older, "we just ate, Ji," he giggly said.

Jisung opened his mouth in an attempt to say something but couldn't form anything to say so he ended up sighing, "well, I don't know what to offer and you're my guest. I just... just..." He stopped his words when he realised that he doesn't have anything as an excuse. With that, Minho smiled at the younger man which Jisung found fascinating.

His smile is so wonderful, it makes me feel things inside my stomach. Jisung blushed at his own thoughts but quickly shifted into embarrassment when Minho snapped him off from his thoughts, "Hanji?" The older one spoke.

Jisung nervously looked back at Minho while staring at him confusedly, "we're here to talk, right? No need to worry about nothing," Minho gently spoke.

"Talk?" Minho nodded as his response to the younger.

"Hmm. Talk about us." With a small nervous smile, Minho started.

"Us," Jisung absentmindedly whispered. He felt the rush of blood building up inside him the moment he realised what the older was trying to initiate. He feels amazing. No one in his entire life had ever made him feel the way Minho does and he felt a bit embarrassed about it-that he's so quick to get flustered over simple acts.

Minho automatically felt the heavens seeing how adorable the younger one was acting. He sneaked his hands lower from holding Jisung's wrist to his hand then softly squeezed the younger's palm, "yes, us." He whispered.

"You see, I think there's something we need to settle between us, you know?" Jisung nodded, heart pounding hard.

"About the letters-"

"I'm really sorry for being such a creep, Hyung. I didn't know that I was sending those stupid letters to someone. I just made up an address, I never knew it was your address. You see, I was just in college back then and I was stupid and desperate, I guess... I'm really sorry I didn't mean to, ugh damn how embarrassing... And about checking your room it was because Dori's fur was everywhere, I wanted to... W-why?" Jisung cut his words right after hearing the mention of letters from the other's mouth but soon stopped explaining when Minho started laughing.

"Why Hyung?" Jisung anxiously asked, looking straight at now laughing Minho in front of him.

Minho squeezed the younger's hand once again, "I didn't know you can rap," he joked, making Jisung whine.

Minho found everything adorable about Jisung. His attempt to explain himself makes him look so cute, and the way he talks was so fast that Minho couldn't contain his laughter at how desperate Jisung wanted to explain himself. He is just so adorable.

"Hyung, I'm serious, really. I feel so embarrassed about everything." The younger pouted, looking away from Minho. He just can't stand seeing the older's stare at the moment whenever he remembers all the cringey stuff he had written in his letters from college.

"It was adorable, the letters. I like reading them and you know, I think I grew an attachment to those letters already, I can't even throw them away." Minho said. He wants to assure the younger that he was okay with the letters and he doesn't have to worry about it anymore.

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