Letter 18

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Days, weeks, and months passed, yet again, nothing has been special for both Minho and Jisung. Like their usual days, they spent another three months keeping themselves busy with work.

Good enough because Jisung can already have a spare time to rest since the project he was signed for his part-time job is already done. Meaning, he only have one job currently. The company tried to make him stay and offered him a regular position to them but he rejected the offer since his real job still offers a higher salary than the other one. Practically thinking, there's no good reason to move companies.

Jisung stood up from sitting on his computer chair then threw himself in his bed to sleep like his usual day to day set up, but this time he doesn't need to worry about working again since he only have one job right now.

He closed his eyes and tried to sleep but to his luck, he still can't sleep earlier than 3 AM. His body was already so used to the late sleeping set up that even if he wants to sleep earlier, he can't.

"I just want to take a nap self, please." He whispered irritatedly but who is he kidding? Even if he try to nag himself nothing's gonna happen.

He sighed then stared at the ceiling of his room thinking about some random things that just pop in his mind like the last meme he saw on Twitter and that one video of two cute funny otters eating on a plate when suddenly his phone vibrated implying that he got a message from someone.

Jisung reached for his phone that was placed somewhere on his bed and checked the notification seeing messages from "aLmIgHtY pRo PRogRaMmERz 🤟" chatroom. Don't judge, Felix named the chatroom back in college when their first group web project run. They were so happy that after a weeks of coding, their program run smoothly making Felix call themselves "pro programmers" then change their chatroom name.

Pro Top coder☠️
Fuckers! Ur daddy got promoted salary increase baby boiz!

Web hacker🐥
I must say, congratulations bby egg! Gimme money💸🤑

Fake Roblox developer😎
Congratulations Innie! 💗
Ask your engineer for money @Web hacker🐥

Web hacker🐥
My engineer don't give money he gives love 😌
Love 👁️👅👁️
Love 👉👌
Love 😩

Pro Top coder☠️
That's enough brekky for today FELIX! Hotdogs are made of disgusting processed ingredients don't match with eggs.

Web hacker🐥
Love 👉🤤👈

Everything you say is dirty, hoe.

Web hacker🐥
Love ✨🥵✨

salary increase means 🍺🍺

Stop it Felix istg.

Fake Roblox developer😎
I genuinely feel bad for Chan hyung
for having Felix as his boyfriend.

Web hacker🐥
manifesting Jeongin never dating @Fake Roblox developer😎 fite me 🖕🖕

Pro Top coder☠️
@MEGAMIND💀 I'm already looking for a restau bar. When are you free guys?

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