Letter 19

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"Jeongin, fuck your 10PM! Where are you?" Felix irritatedly said on his phone that is currently placed between him and Jisung that are standing in front of a restaubar the younger boy sent them earlier this day.

"[We're on our way. This is your fault Hyunjin I told you to stop your childish tantrum earlier your such a child... But you broke your promise to me Innie... Shut it you're a grown-up man stop acting like a child... Jeongin, seriously? We talked abou---]"

"Okay lovers! Stop it, we don't care. Just hurry the fuck up okay it's already 10:30 just to remind you both." Felix cut his friends' argument in the other line earning a sigh and sorry from them.

"Drive safe guys," Jisung said.

"[Tell the bus driver to drive safe... Just shut your mouth Hyunjin, please... You're always so mean Inn---]"


Felix cut the phone call without letting his two friends to react again. He and Jisung doesn't care about their love quarrel over stupid small things he'll rather wait in peace and quietness with Jisung than hearing Hyunjin and Jeongin's never-ending bickering over stupid stuff.

Both Jisung and Felix stood quietly in front of the restaubar. Felix is texting Chan to update his boyfriend that he already arrived to the place with Jisung and they are currently waiting for Jeongin and Hyunjin's arrival while Jisung is just waiting quietly.

A few more minutes their friends came. Hyunjin is pouting while Jeongin is just casually acting normal. Jeongin apologised for being late before inviting his friends to come and enter the bar.

The restaubar is crowded due to the fact that it's Saturday night. Many of working adults are in day off today. Jeongin lead the way to a reserved table for them next to another group of young men around their mid-twenties. The scenario seems familiar for Jisung, this feels like a deja vu. He roamed his eyes around the place, the people are chatting and laughing at each other while a band in front is performing and singing a sweet song for everybody.

The place is cute, everything looks aesthetically pleasing. It's like a bit of a vintage-like place designed with neutral colours adding a classy atmosphere to the place. This restaubar looks classy.

Jisung continued roaming his head, everything seems nice and relaxing. He's already enjoying even by just staring at the interior of the place. He looked around until he noticed a familiar guy looking at him. He awkwardly glanced back and bowed slightly his head thinking about that same guy who was looking at him last night in the tent bar in Hongdae.

Jisung tapped Felix that is sitting next to him, "that guy next table is staring it's so awkward," he whispered. Felix looked around but found nothing, "Which guy?"

"The handsome guy."

"I don't know Jisung they are all handsome. Whoever that someone talk to him he's gay." Jisung raised a brow to his smiling friend.

"How do you know? You don't even see him."

"I just know," Felix giggled to his last comment before going back to his conversation with Hyunjin and Jeongin.

Jisung brushed the thought away from his mind. This night is for Jeongin so he needs to focus on celebrating his friend's recent achievement.

As time continued to run the group of friends did their thing to have fun. As usual, the boys went all out talking and laughing at their jokes and teasing, they also talked about how mentally stressful and tiring their jobs are since they all pursued programming and all of them are currently web developers while Hyunjin is also taking few units to learn more because he is aiming to become a game developer. They use their brain to remember and understand programming languages or occasionally solving numerical codes this job also increased their commonsense and abstract reasoning. Being a programmer is not easy as other people think. They are not just computer geeks.

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