Letter 08

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"By the way, it's been awhile Minho. How's life?" Minho looked at his college classmate, Seungkwan and smiled lightly, "it's been good. The clinic is doing good as well." He responded then gave them a small nod.

Today is kinda different from any of his usual days. An emergency surgery just took all of his energy in the clinic earlier and now he's here with his college classmates for a small reunion together with Changbin. Well, Changbin came earlier than him cause the younger was in his day off today.

He's not really close to them but he has nothing else to do, he wants to have fun and drink too so he shift schedule to his co-veterinarians and called his mom the day before the reunion to take care of his cats, so Mrs Lee is currently in his house tonight.

The conversation and bragging started when their other classmates tried to show off while Minho just watched and listened to them until his attention caught a young man that's really familiar to him.

The clumsy squirrel guy sitting to the table next to them. They met eyes and automatically gave each other a slight bow as a sign of respect then just looked away to continue having a small talk to their groups.

To be honest, for Minho all of this is just a waste of time. What else can he expect? Of course, these people will only brag about what they reached and what they have right now which made Minho feel sick. They never really changed, they are still those arrogant DVM students he used to know.

Minho was too caught up of secretly judging his old classmates while he's listening to their neverending bragging about their life that he just realised that they already spent so much time together. Since the night is already getting late, everyone decided to separate ways and go home.

Minho went to his car and sat on the driver's seat but didn't start the engine yet. He's a bit tipsy, he can't drive yet he needs to sober up first so he decided to just stay in his car for a few minutes. When he was resting, he heard a knock on his window so he opened his eyes to check it's out.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Changbin asked. He's looking straight to Minho and checked the older. He was about to drive home but he noticed that Minho is still there so he knocked.

"Hey, I thought you already went home." Minho responded when he faced the younger.

"I was about to, but I saw your car not moving so I came to check. Are you okay?" Minho nodded his and gave the younger a small smile of assurance, "yeah, just a bit tipsy. I'm trying to sober up before driving."

"I'll just drive you home hyung."

"No need, Binnie. I'm good."

"C'mon, it's okay! Lemme just call Chaeyoung. She's just around this area we're suppose to meet and go home together."

"I don't really want to bother you both." Minho worriedly asked which earned a chuckle from the younger, "well, I don't really want you to be in an accident tho." Minho chuckled as well and nodded his head.

He doesn't want to be in an accident either, his cats needs him. Also, he's not really feeling okay since the alcohol is slowly getting in his system even more that he's already feeling a headache. He's really not a good drinker.

Changbin nodded and excused himself to call his girlfriend while Minho just close his eyes and wait for the younger.

Changbin took almost 10 minutes before he came back, but this time he's already with his girlfriend.

"Yo oppa! Are you good?" The girl asked  so Minho nodded.

"You look wrecked," she commented making them three to laugh.

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