Letter 41

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I'm good, I'm doing fine.
I hope you are too Han Jisung.

Jisung's face instantly blushed upon seeing the short response of Minho on the lower right corner of the paper. He took his phone out and captured the whole paper before keeping it again. His curiosity led him in checking the other letters while cringing at how hopeless his letters were. Those letters were written two years ago and he just can't believe that someone has been receiving his crap the whole time. And to say the least, it's not just someone but it's Lee Minho! Lee Minho as in Lee Minho, the veterinarian he has a crush on.

After checking the letters, he kept them all back and made sure that the letters were placed underneath the other envelopes of bills.

"What a fucking coincidence?" He mumbled, still embarrassed about what he just found out.

There are so many things going on in his head, overthinking must be the proper word to describe it and to say that he's not nervous is an understatement. He is definitely nervous because of embarrassment. What if Minho knew it was him? It's nearly two years since he wrote the last letter and he met Minho a year after stopping sending those letters so he's hoping that Minho doesn't have any idea about it now.

"Hanji," Minho called out from the kitchen but Jisung figured that the older one was walking back to the room so he quickly went back to the computer chair, he sat, wore the headphone, and pretended like he's still playing.

"Hanji," Minho called out again the moment he reached the room. This time, Jisung was already sitting in front of the computer desktop while playing Minho's game. The older walked closer to Jisung and patted the younger's shoulder.

Jisung was nervous but he tried to look calm in front of the older man, "yes, Hyung?" He asked after facing the older.

"Dinner is ready, let's eat," said Minho.

Jisung smiled and nodded his head to the older man before standing up so both of them could walk together to the kitchen.

The dinner kinda turned out a bit awkward because Jisung was acting off but Minho just assumed that the younger one was just tired since they literally roamed the entire marketplace just to look for something to give for Changbin's wedding.

Like their usual hangouts, Minho offered Jisung a drive home which Jisung just accepted since Minho insisted. When Jisung arrived home he just cleaned himself and threw his body in his bed to rest. His brain lost a big amount of brain cells right after knowing that Minho has his letters. It's really embarrassing, he feels like he wants to hide from Minho now.

Jisung really tried his best to keep the new information away from his head for a moment so he could finally rest. Maybe tomorrow he'll just bang his head on the wall and disappear? He doesn't know, he's shy to talk to Minho now. How idiot was this? Those letters are embarrassing and funny especially because he sounds ridiculously desperate.

* * *

Dear no one,

Hi! How are you today? Are you good? Because right now I'm really in a good mood. Today was rough, I and my friends kinda ran from our classroom to the printing shops outside our campus for about four times repeatedly just so we could pass a requirement to one of our major units, not to mention, our building is really far from the school's exit. It was exhausting but the run was worth it! Not to brag but we got the highest grade for that. Next week we will be presenting it to the class along with the other two groups with the highest grades for that activity. Oh! And my dad handed me my allowance earlier haha. I'm currently rich, I'm loaded until I pay my dorm rent and other bills. So yeah, my day was fun! I hope you had a fun day too. Hey future someone, have you ever imagined laying down, resting and cuddling with me at night while we share how our day went? Because right now I'm kinda imagining it and my stomach is kinda flipping right now hahaha. I mean, imagine how adorable that would be. I can't wait to cuddle you. How would you feel about that? Are you a cuddly type? Now I'm nervous because I really like cuddles but what if you're not the type of person to cuddle a lot? You might find me annoying but I hope you're not hehe.

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