The Earth's Soul

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Running water soothed the air as it cleansed the depths of Unda's soul; with each step further into the forest they took, their heart began to sing a chorus of enlightenment. In the woods among towering trees too shy to touch and growing shrubbery sharing their rich soil with the moss and flora, Unda could feel every inch of their soul be taken from the polluted grasp of the world and gently guided deeper into nature's embrace.

Bare feet pressed against chilled rocks set in a flowing stream, soil and leaves sticking to their skin as they stepped across the river and continued on their way; clothed in a pure cotton jacket the autumn colour of a passing tree and a pair of black cotton shorts lined in white either side, they zipped their jacket up and kept going. Being eco friendly their his top priority, a pledge to their most loved piece of their eternal life.

They came to a clearing in the trees as they always did on this same path and wandered into the vast array of glorious flora; it reached out beyond the hills of the horizon, glowing under the gentle sun hidden behind soft white clouds. Though the forest was eerie, a haunted tale of beasts and feral vicious animals keeping many city dwelling humans away, Unda always adored making the trek through beautiful nature to reach their lover's heart.

Many among the mortal existence knew her as Terra, a youthful passionate artist with a taste for nature and wicca design, but those who knew the truth knew her as Mother Nature. A terrible war of life and death left her with no choice but to change to her mortal figure in the hopes she could hide from the madness and disaster she left behind; taking with her the almost unknown personification of rain and water itself. Michael.

Rain found the earth laying in a patch of soft orange tulips, blue eyes hidden from the sky as Luke slept peacefully among the kindness of his land; embraced by the flowers who loved him so.

Careful not to awaken his love, Michael sat down quietly beside Luke's figure laid on his back. He was tempted to pluck a flower from the patch but instead he crossed his legs and took to gently fiddling with the petals of a swaying tulip; taking his moment of freedom to immerse himself in the wonder of his boyfriend's existence.
So much life had been birthed, gifted to the world and spread like the seeds of a daffodil blown in the wind, and it amazed him each day he woke; in awe of the strength Mother Nature had.

Eventually, as the sun began to set behind vast hills of beauty, Luke arose from his slumber like the moon from her own, and smiled when he noticed his beloved laid beside him; sound asleep to the rain in his subconscious mind.

With a gentle touch, Luke shook Michael awake; bringing him into the light of the moon as she cast her crescent glow across Luke's land.

"Mikey, c'mon~" Luke combed his long pale fingers through the dark brown of Michael's messy locks of hair, brushing grass and tulips from the naturally soft strands while green eyes flickered open to greet the dark evening sky. "If we don't get up now, we'll miss seeing Selene rise."

Michael sighed, eyes fluttering closed with a tired whisper as he let his head fall upon Luke's shoulder; leaning against nature as she sat up among her flowers.

"I know, but don't you want to see her?" Luke softly persisted, standing in the buckled white shoes he wore as he grasped Michael's hands.

"We'll say hello and then we can go and see our friends." He eased Michael up to his feet, helping the awakening male to a stand as the rain yawned with a breath of cold air.

Luke held an arm tightly around Michael's waist, keeping the curious male close as the moon finally kissed the horizon goodbye on her way to the skies above. Michael's eyes were alight with every star in the sky, open for the world to see far from the tainted touch of pollution. He could see beyond the veil of earth and into the heavens, awestruck by the power of the moon's glorious shine as she cast her silver beams into the air.

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