Blue Bird

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Though many stories spoke of a world of dominants and submissives, no one had ever believed that it could be possible in the full reality; but the city of Chicago was the first place to lay claim as only BDSM riddled. Dominants and submissives lived and breathed their world within the large city, left alone by the outside world and invaded by hopeless curiosities that turned into souls who couldn't escape.

Once you were in Chicago you were given your title by a series of tests, and you would never leave again. Your life as you knew it was over.

Many people abused the laws, dragging kidnapped people to the city and keeping them trapped forever under the Chicago legislation. Kidnapped people were no longer considered kidnapped as soon as they crossed into the border, crimes and criminal activity was turned into BDSM by paper documentations and there was nothing anyone outside of the city could do about it.

There was one dominant, a...ghost if you will.
He lived in the city but no one knew who he truly was.
His name? People knew him as 'Blue', but that was all they knew about him. It was said he had a history of being a sugar daddy before he was dragged into the city by a dominant who wanted to force him into becoming a slave bound to him.

Some people say Blue slaughtered the vicious dominant, others say he keeps the man locked up in his house to suffer until he dies.

Either way, no one knew the truth and no one was brave enough to. They knew him as a sick sadist, a masochist who loved to kill and lived for the thrill of the chase.
Murders committed would often be logged as another kill under Blue's name, and the fear that swelled around him would grow even more.

The most heartless of dominants and masters feared him, and the most submissive pets were terrified of being passed off to him. He was a nightmare threat, a sick children's bedtime story, and a horror to the corrupt police station's files.

But all of that changed when a young submissive came across 'Blue' in the most unique way possible.

When Ashton Irwin bumped into Blue it was during his day job as a garbage man. He was working away, separating recycling from rubbish inside the block of land dedicated to the city's garbage. Dominants oversaw the process from their office block by the exit, ignorant and not bothered with checking on the poor and unwanted submissives who worked on the garbage lot; they left them to suffer and work for their low wages without insurance, safety or care.

Ashton had wandered from the main area, stabbing the ground every now and again with the stick he held in his hand so he could shove the recycled objects into the large white garbage bag he hauled around with him.

He'd only paused for a moment to swipe the back of his hand over his forehead and push his short golden curls out of his face, but that was all it took for his hazel-eyed gaze to be caught onto something moving by an abandoned garbage truck drowning in rubbish.

He furrowed his eyebrows, walking closer and wondering why on earth a dominant would be hovering around. He knew it wouldn't be a submissive since all the others were still in the usual zone, so it could only be a dominant worker; surely?

When he got closer, he found a tall blond male standing in front of the truck with the bonnet of the vehicle up and his head buried in the engine as he scavenged pieces from it. Ashton frowned, cautiously shuffling closer as his worn down steel-cap boots pressed through the trash.

"Excuse me, Sir?"

His voice caught the stranger's attention almost immediately and the man looked up directly at him without a word.

Ashton jumped back, frightened by the monster mask the man wore over his face; dirty yet curly blond hair peeking out over the top and sides of the hard plastic that only covered the front of his face.
The man brushed his hands down over the ripped black of his jeans; his grey blouse-like shirt quite richly looking in the style of fabric; placing him out of whack in the garbage scenery, especially with the nice black shoes he was wearing and the black bands he wore against silver rings.

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