Angel In Flames (Larry)

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⚠️ slight trigger warning for depressive themes ⚠️


"You're my special queen, my angel, my princess, my everything." Harry smiled sadly, a soft, gentle, expression splayed over his tender features.

His hazel-green eyes sparkled with adoration, smile small and hands holding a sparkling black hairbrush as he brushed through Louis' hair, "I love you so much, my precious star."

Louis sat in silence, knees huddled up to his chest as he wrapped his arms around them. Sitting on a chair in front of the vanity mirror, he watched the Angel of Death comb his dull brown hair through; gently easing out the knots they found. He sat and listened to him, listened to him hum quietly as he brushed with a sense of content.

"You've got work today..." Harry hummed softly, focussing his gaze as he untangled a knot at the end of Louis' slightly short hair, "I'm sure you'll be great, just like always. You're so good, I'm sure someone will hire you soon enough."

"So many opportunities." His smile deepened, dimples appearing in his tanned cheeks, deep honey chestnut curls rested tiredly atop his head as he spared Louis a glance through the mirror. He offered him a sweet smile, returning to combing through his hair when the male didn't give one back.

"I made you breakfast if you want it. It's on the kitchen counter, strawberry yogurt with your favourite berries mixed into it." He smiled, proud of the freshly brushed hair.

"And I warmed your clothes up for you whilst you were in the shower. Nice pair of jeans and my grey long sleeved shirt you love wearing so much. There's a jacket too, your black one with New York City on the front. It's the warmest one you have."

He continued to speak even when Louis didn't respond; just listened, "The winter weather gets cold and wet, so you could wear your sneakers if you wanted to."

Harry stepped back, smiling grandly as Louis stood up from the chair. Wordlessly, he got changed in the bedroom Harry remained standing in.
Harry cleaned up his vanity for him as Louis got dressed. With his clothes now on, and body warmed up slightly, Louis swiftly left the room.

Harry stood in the kitchen, appearing there before Louis had even left the hallway. The island counter had a pastel blue bowl sitting on it whilst he stood behind it; facing Louis with a silver spoon in his hand, "Did you want breakfast?"
Louis shook his head and Harry gently tried to insist, "Just three spoons? I know you do things in threes..."

Louis took the spoon from him, slowly taking exactly three, perfectly measured, spoonfuls before placing the spoon in the bowl and walking away.

"Are you going to leave now? Did you want me to drive you there? It's cold outside..."

Louis said nothing, leaving the house and locking it up as he did so. Harry instead appeared by his car, holding open the front passenger door with a warm smile, "I'll turn the heater on for you."

Louis slid into the vehicle, with nothing but silence as his reply. Harry started the car, backing it onto the roads and heading for the unemployment office just like yesterday. The car radio played softly, on the volume level of three. Not too loud, not too quiet, perfect for Louis.

"If Miranda is there, just ignore her okay? I know how hard that is to do, but I promise we'll watch your favourite movie when you get home as a reward for getting through the day." He spoke with a loving smile, "I'm so proud of you for getting up all on your own, unbelievably proud."

Harry wasn't human, Louis knew that. But at least he was real.

But he was an angel of death. An angel that had been cast out of Heaven and down to the mortal plane to help guide the souls of those who had passed on. However, he had stopped. The darkness and misery of watching helpless souls be damned had gotten to him.

There was so much sadness in the world. Heaven had never warned him about anything before he arrived.

He had made a friend shortly upon his arrival.
A beautiful young blond by the name of Niall. They had the brightest, kindest eyes and softest pale skin. Niall was slightly tall, but so sad it pained Harry to see.

Niall struggled for a long time, and Harry had been there to help him for years. But then one day Harry was sent to Niall's home for spiritual work... And he found the blond hanging from the ceiling.

He would never forget the way the body hung limp in the air, rope tied so tight that it had bled the skin with horrific grazing. Harry took Niall's soul to Heaven, and was told exactly where Niall's place was.
Alongside the millions of hopeless souls who had passed on too soon. Precious angels who felt alone and lost in a world that was supposed to be happiness after death.

Harry visited Niall a lot. Niall was special to him, Niall was the young eighteen-year-old that had shown Harry the real world.

Then one day Harry met Louis, a sweet brunet who never spoke and had lost his mother to a fatal heart attack. Harry led Louis' mother to Heaven, but he could never get the young boy from his mind. Eventually he decided to befriend the twenty-three-year-old, and now?
He was his everything.


A concert will only cost 45 cents if you go to see 50 cent and Nickelback!


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