Saturnalia (Cashton)

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It had been nothing more than a stupid weekend party, one that Calum had never even wanted to go to. He never liked the host of the party, Luke Hemmings, but his boyfriend Ashton did. The two were in the same hockey team together and somehow managed to become friends, so of course Ashton would be invited to Luke's seventeenth birthday party.

Luke cheerily invited Calum to tag along, saying the more people the better; especially since he was having a pool party at his dad's estate just on the edge of town. There was construction work across the road, with a lake partially separating both properties almost lost in the middle of empty land.

Ashton had insisted Calum come with him, practically begging his two-year-long boyfriend to come and have fun, drink a little and live life as a real teenager instead of staying home watching TV or ducking to his best mate's house and playing some boring video game.

Ashton certainly came to regret his decision.

Calum didn't necessarily have anything against the tall blond kid from his school, Luke was a straight male who had his own girlfriend with no intention of taking Ashton from him, and he wasn't any threat academically since he averaged around C grades in anything that wasn't sports. Calum just didn't like him because, well, he didn't know the guy and he had heard some gossip from previous exes of the guy who made him consider that maybe Luke wasn't all that good.

Not that the gossip had been anything ultimately bad, just a few "he's honestly so infatuated with sports, I never got any alone time from him" comments.

Ashton just really wanted to take his boyfriend out to a party at least once, he himself enjoyed parties--though he wasn't into the whole getting so wasted you throw up repeatedly the next day kind of thing.

"Does my hair look good?" Ashton asked, sitting in front of the steering wheel of his cheap second-hand car that he had parked on the side of the road among many other party-goer cars.

His hazel eyes were focussed on the rear-view mirror, fingers toying with the strands of his short chestnut curls.

Calum rolled his eyes, arms crossed over his chest as he threw his careless gaze towards the huge white mansion that looked as though it had been a part of a strange modern-architect art show. "Why are you worried about your hair? It's fine."

"Yeah, guess you're right." Ashton wasn't a hard one to persuade. He grinned, lightly whacking Calum's leather jacket covered arm "let's go!"

He got out the car, door closed before Calum had even bothered to undo his seatbelt. "Come on~" Ashton pestered, grabbing his boyfriend's hand and dragging him towards the house's entrance. "It'll be fun, I promise."

"You know I hate these things. They're boring. And I don't even drink." Calum rambled, following Ashton's lead.

Ashton didn't bother to knock on the door, pushing it open and greeting anyone who waved or bid him hello. Calum huffed, gripping Ashton's hand possessively tighter, sometimes he couldn't help but feel insecure by the fact that his boyfriend had so many friends. What if they told him to leave Calum? Persuaded him to break up with the brunet? Okay, no. Calum knew that was bonkers, Ashton loved him for Christ's Sake.

But still, insecurity. It lingers.

"Hey, Ash~!" Luke waved his arm wildly at Ashton as the couple stepped outside to a large pool area. "Over here!" He held a yellow drink in his hand, and Calum briefly forgot that alcohol did actually come in more colours than brown.

"Oh and hi!" Luke enthusiastically greeted Calum who stepped slightly behind Ashton; still holding the male's hand. "I'm glad you could make it, Cal." He held his hand out for the Kiwi man to shake, Calum glared at him and he awkwardly cleared his throat and dropped his hand. "Uh yeah, nice to see you both. Want a drink? I'll uh, I'll get you a drink."

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