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The world is ending and Ashton's not quite sure what to do about it.

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Flicking rapidly through the channels of the cheap motel television, news reports continued to flash on screen; rapid words being spat out by countless reporters across the globe. Live coverage of the world in utter chaos broadcasted across seemingly endless channels with hundreds of different languages exposing the catastrophes as they unveiled themselves.

Fire ravaged farmland, buildings crumbled--swallowed by the earth, people screamed and cried, begging for mercy from the gods above as the world around them began to fall apart. Oceans roared with mighty tsunamis, the ground shook and ripped open beneath the very feet of humanity, the animals screeched in chaos, running and hiding as birds fluttered almost psychotically through the storm clouds that gathered overhead.

Some people went mad, sprinting from one place to the next as the blood of others soaked their clothes and their eyes strained with violent red. Children lay dead in the streets, some burned by merciless flames, some crushed beneath rubble and others trampled by stampedes of desperate people too selfish in their time of crisis to glance in another human's direction.

The world was in mass chaos, and there was nothing any significant governmental power could do to prevent the outbreak of panic as more and more reports were broadcasted live across the globe.

"-Samantha, I am here with local police chief Harrington and it is absolute wide spread chaos here in Washington-"

"There have been major meteor strikes in Canada-"

"-mass volcanic cloud still lingers in Hawaiian air space after several days-"

"-the authorities have begun to isolate the radiation zone."

"According to locals, mass amounts of people have been, quote 'going mad'. More on this story at six. Back to you at the studio."

"Well, Alex, Florida hasn't seen anything quite like this before, which is surely saying something."

"Good God! Reporter Jen signing out!"

"-Oh my god, there seems to be something darting between the clouds-!"

"Oh fuck--it just--they just--these people are going insane!"

"The police are calling it a 'drug epidemic'."

"They have just trampled one another in desperation-"

"Here in the heart of Japan, the wild fire continues to spread despite local firefighter efforts-"

"I've never seen anything like this in Darwin before, Kate-"

"As you can see I am in central Saudi Arabia, where there are mass graves of decaying bodies-"

"Witnesses have been reporting a flurry of UFO sightings across the coast of California-."

"This has got to be the worst motor vehicle crash in the history of Australia-"

"The president has issued a country-wide martial law-"

"Dunno 'bout you guys back at the desk. But I reckon this might just be the end of the world."

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