Sweet Baby Blue

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Calum's calloused fingertips were gentle, tracing the scar across Ashton's tender flesh. "How did this one happen...?"

Ashton gave a broken smile and Calum felt his cold heart ache when his gaze lifted to see the strong male start to crumble.

"I made a mistake once..."


"I put food on the table with money that wasn't mine."

It's 3051 and times have changed. Ashton is desperate to get his baby brother away from the evil of their world, and he will risk everything to do so; even if it means losing the love of his life in the process.


"You're not going out there alone, Ashton."

"It's okay...It'll give you enough time to run."

"They'll kill you!"

"I know."



Ashton sighed, hands stuffed into his jean pockets as he walked alongside his younger brother; the both of them wandering the bleak streets of the city.

Skyscrapers touched the sky, massive screens blasting the speech of their leader whilst people went about their lives under a cloud of dark grey, surrounded by a palette of dying colours, caressed by the soft rain beginning to drizzle.

"The world is falling down." Luke mumbled, a frown on his pale face as he brushed a hint of dust off of his plain pale blue dress. "And nothing ever changes."

Ashton peered up at one of the looming television screens, a grimace on his face at the sight of the dark skinned man demanding his people follow the law. Take up arms against terrorism that Ashton could say was closer to a rebellion.

People didn't want to live in this country any more, but there was no way to escape so of course their anger turned into violence.

Luke sighed. "Are we almost there? It's cold..."

Ashton shrugged his worn leather jacket off of his shoulders, helping to put it on the tall but petite blond. "I told you to get your jacket."

"Mum was asleep on my bed." Luke muttered. "Didn't wanna wake her."

Ashton let out a weighted breath, goosebumps riddling the skin of his arms exposed by his short sleeved green shirt.
"We'll be there soon."

"...Should we really go?" Luke hesitated.

"We have no choice." Ashton said, grabbing Luke's hand and quickening their pace when he saw someone get thrown out of a bakery across the street.

The owner screamed in rage, shotgun in their hands as they scorned the young woman for stealing a loaf of bread.

Ashton clamped a hand over Luke's eyes only seconds before a loud bang was heard and another person was dead.
Luke whimpered, clutching Ashton's hand tighter as the elder took his hand from the blond's eyes.

"Don't look back." Ashton whispered, hearing the sound of murmuring crowd members surround the woman's body; phones taking photos even though no one truly cared.
It was normal for people to die brutally in the streets, and Ashton couldn't help but wonder when in his seventeen years old life the world became a dystopia.

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