Ashton In Wonderland

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I wrote this a while ago and it's been sitting in my drafts for ages so I decided to throw it out to the public, hope y'all enjoy! <3 (2019)


"Welcome to Wonderland, Alice." Luke smiled, a polite expression painted across his pale skin.

"I'm not Alice and this is not Wonderland." Ashton harrumphed quite incredulously.

"Why I find that very hard to believe." Luke's smile didn't falter, he, himself, dressed marvellously in a collaboration of a blue and white suit; almost like that of an English royal many years ago.

He stretched his arm out, gesturing to the butterfly sitting atop a toadstool almost as big as Ashton himself. He did not point to the insane rainbow coloured foliage, nor to the purple and pink sky, just to a mere red butterfly.

"If this is not Wonderland then that is not a butterfly."

"You can't justify things like that! This is not Wonderland, this is nothing but a dream. A weird... Freaky... Dream. And you-!" Ashton pointed at the tall, blue eyed, male, "-You are not real at all!"

"Well I am very much real. I would know if I wasn't. That's impossible." Luke remarked.

"I can think of many impossible things more possible than you."

"You say this isn't Wonderland, but you are most definitely Alice."

"I am not Alice!" Ashton insisted.

Luke furrowed his eyebrows, blue eyes falling a faint pink of confusion as he inched closer towards Ashton. He reached out, curiously touching the male's hair, "But you have the chestnut colour of Alice." His pale, cold, fingers brushed across Ashton's cheek; studying the young male's face, "And the eyes of Alice."

He stepped back, gazing at Ashton as a whole, "And the height."

"I have already told you I am not Alice!"

Luke's eyes returned to blue, crossing an arm over his chest and placing a finger from his other hand against his chin, "The attitude... It is very muchly Alice."

"If I am Alice, why am I a man?"

Luke's eyes flashed purple and then pink with realisation, before returning to blue, "Oh my. You're the wrong Alice!"

Another man appeared beside Luke, fading in with a puff of wispy purple smoke, "The wrong Alice, you say?"

The new male was as young as Luke, if not a few years older, with a cheshire grin and a set of bright green eyes. He wore a collection of pale purple and blue with a pair of purple lace up boots that came halfway up his shin with a stocky heel.
He was very tall with those shoes, and Ashton wondered if he managed to walk well with them.

The new male had pale purple hair, grinning widely as he stepped towards Ashton. He circled behind the male, hands brushing over Ashton's shoulders as he passed behind in order to stand beside him, "Well you're certainly not the right Alice... But that doesn't mean you're the wrong Alice."

"He is the wrong Alice, Michael. He said so himself!" Luke snapped, trying to sound demanding.

Michael tutted, "Now why believe what someone else says? All that matters is what you believe." He gazed at Ashton with a curiously mischievous glint in his eyes, "Now tell me... What's your name?"


"Ah huh... Well then, Ashton... Why do you believe you are not the real Alice?"

"Because I know I'm not!"

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