The Pastor's Demons (Lashton+Michael)

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Warning: Religious persons may consider this short to be blasphemous. I will be deleting any religious-induced fighting and/or harsh comments from the comment section. Hate will not be tolerated in any form, passive or direct.

play nice or don't play at all.


"It says it clear, crystal damn clear, in the Bible that gays are sinners! Homosexuality is a sin that goes directly against God, and you cannot deny that truth." Pastor John prattled on during his Sunday morning service just as he always did.

Every week, again and again, preaching hate and anger towards minorities; demanding people preach to the Bible and pray for forgiveness forever until the Day of Judgement.

And every week Michael Clifford would sit in the front row with his mother and his step-father; bored, annoyed, pissed off and most of all hurt. His mother knew why he was irate every Sunday, but his step dad didn't and never would. His father dragged them to church and dragged them back out every Sunday, preaching the Bible every chance he--himself--got.
He wasn't a bad man, he wasn't abusive or an alcoholic. But he wasn't accepting of anything that went directly against the Bible and his God.

His mother simply couldn't care less, especially with her divorce papers due to arrive in the mail any day now. She hated her husband with a seething passion ever since her son cried to her one lonesome night about a truth or dare kiss that exposed every inch of his soul.

"You can argue it as much as you like but it's written in His word and it is His word that only those who are gifted Heaven will live by!" Pastor John smacked his hand against his podium he stood at; a few short steps higher than the church goers seated in front of him.

"Jesus did not die on the cross so our children could be molested by sick homosexuals!"

A chorus of 'yeah' came from a few scattered attendees. Not everyone agreed, but with a majority seated in the pews it was too risky to speak against Matthew John.
A pastor whose family had been so damn religious they thought giving him a name like Matthew Peter John was a smart idea.

Michael bit his tongue, silencing himself from daring to speak up. He grasped his mother's hand, warning her that he was close to exploding and seeking support from the parent he loved the most.

All eyes shot towards the church doors as they were pushed open without warning. All had been present, did they have a new comer?

Michael craned his neck, curious to see who was going to join the Church of Stupidity only to be as confused as the rest when his green eyes landed on a man dressed as a priest.
He must be in the wrong place.

"It's not so much an argument and more so a truth people don't want to accept." The new priest calmly said, long confident strides taking him towards the elevated platform John was standing upon.

His long black coat seemed to enrapture his frame with an almost oddly sense of desire, hazel eyes alight with a chaotic good that Michael swore was about to be unleashed upon the church. He was a man on a mission, curly red hair a neat mop atop his head and hands adorned with silver rings that surely had to hold some sort of sentiment for him.

"Yes, exactly," John seemed confused, stepping away from his pedestal. "Who are you?"

"Oh no I think you've got my statement quite confused." The new priest held a demeaning smile on his soft lips. "You're incorrect with the words you preach."

"I'm sorry?-" Pastor John's offence was beginning to show.

"Homosexuality a sin? That notion is so modernised, isn't it?" The priest mocked. "What is it they say? 'for this God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature'."

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