Anti-You (Cashton+Muke)

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"Why do you always try to take what you know you can't have?"

"I'm going to Hell anyway, may as well enjoy the ride"

WARNING: this contains mature themes such as drugs, violence, sex, coarse language and religious themes.

  🚫 Not suitable for young audiences 🚫

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The smoky haze of a lit cigarette wafted through the silent home, dim with nothing but the growing glow of the sun that peeked weakly through closed window blinds.
Two bodies lay together beneath black bedsheets. One with messy dark blond hair and heartless blue eyes, and the other a smaller male with dark brown hair and cold green eyes.

Long slender fingers curled around the cigarette, the blond's other arm wrapped lazily around the shoulders of his lover who was snuggled into his side; head on his chest and ear listening to the beat of his heart.

"Luke, do you have to smoke?" His lover murmured, tired eyes remaining closed.

Luke sucked in a deep breath of his cigarette and let it out slowly; watching the haze float above him as he lay on his back, eyes to the ceiling.

"Seriously?" His lover coughed, curling closer to him and burying his face in Luke's side.

"Don't like it, leave."

"It's toxic smoke, not all of us are soulless demons here."

"No. Some of us are just bratty angels." Luke countered and Michael growled.

"It's toxic smoke."

"Open a window then." Luke carelessly scoffed before muttering a quiet "Jesus."

His lover rose from the mess of limbs and blankets with a sigh, back sore and body covered in the most violent of hickies and bruises. With a grumble, pale hands were twisting open the blinds and pushing the window pane up; letting the smoke drift out into the world against the natural morning breeze.

Luke didn't miss his chance to spare a glance to his lover's bare ass, watching the young adult search for clothes from Luke's drawers.
Bruises lined his lover's pale thighs, his spine dotted with bite marks and his ribs coloured with purple; Luke would be smug to say it was all his doing.

"Stop staring." The pale man mumbled, pulling a pair of tracksuit pants on.

"C'mere then." Luke coaxed him over as the male held a long sleeved shirt in his hands; ready to hide his body from prying eyes.

Luke reached out and pressed his cigarette against the male's wrist, one hand gripped tight to his lover's arm to hold him in place as he burned the skin with the same toxicity the man hated so much.

The cigarette dropped the floor and Luke's eyes went black with amusement, a snicker on his lips as he watched last night's fuck-around try to hold back tears at the pain.

"Why do you do this to me?" The man wiped his green eyes and pulled the shirt on, used to the pain by now.

"Why do you love it?" Luke swiftly replied, coy.

"I love you." The man would never learn.

"Shame." Luke carelessly dismissed, arms behind his head as he laid back in his bed again. "You can leave now. Might call you if I want somewhere cheap to put my dick again tonight."

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