Churchside (>1000 words)

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Luke solves supernatural cases for a living; saving lives and kicking inhuman ass.

Oh... and did anyone mention he's a demon?



"Who are you?" Ashton's scared voice wavers but there's great bravery behind it; strength he is yet to grasp hold of.

"Call me Luke."

"Okay Luke, um... what was that thing?"

"A demon."

"Right okay..." Ashton's eyes trail towards the dead creature lying on his floor, he shudders and looks away. "And why—" he holds back the urge to vomit "—why is it in my kitchen?"

"It was sent to kill you." Luke wipes the demon blood from his blade, his blue eyes find hazel and Ashton almost faints at his response.

"M-Me? Why me? I-" Ashton's hand clutches the tiny silver crucifix that hangs around his neck, "I haven't done anything wrong, I swear!"

"That's exactly why there are legions after you." Luke slides his knife away. "The purest soul, born of two angels."

"You're going to give the devil a reason to rise again." Luke says, carefully advancing towards the scared man. "He will reap Hell upon the Earth, fire will burn all that you love and the souls of the damned will torment the living until the eternity's clock has finally run out."

"Then kill me." Ashton blurts, causing clear confusion on the fighter's face.
"I-I watch a lot of movies a-and if they'd just killed the person to begin with then uh—then it would be fine."

"This is not a movie and I cannot kill you."


What a lovely way to usher in the apocalypse.

One of the Four Horsemen gets the power to kill through all kinds of lovely methods.

For our money, we'd take the sword.

Quick and painless.



They say the balance between Good and Evil is a raging war; a fight between those from above and those from below. And humanity? Well they're smack in the middle of the chaos.

Death is nothing but a gateway to eternity, and the life we live before that will forever determine which gate we must head towards.
Those who are damned will burn, and those who have ascended will be free.

Or so people like to believe.

But in a world where more than one version of the truth exists, who are we to believe?

The cunning devil or the lying god?


"You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." - John 8:44

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