Love You Goodbye (Larry)

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"How many times do you have to break my heart before you let me die?"

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"Do you love him?"

"I know I did once."

"Do you love him now?"


"Do you?"

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Though this book doesn't dwell on a psychotic scale it does linger on topics such as depression, anxiety, relationship abuse, and mental abuse.

Please read carefully 

(also I didn't proof read😳)

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Zayn Malik was comparable to a dark spirit, constantly leaving Harry for days on end without so much as a call let alone a text. He never worried about Harry arguing with him or fighting back against anything he says, because he knows the boy would throw himself in front of a train if Zayn so much as told him to.

He never asked for Harry to do anything. He always told the boy to because he believed Harry didn't understand the definition of "No."

Harry spends most his days locked away inside the small apartment he owns; constantly waiting for Zayn to come back home. He waits for days on end just to have Zayn return and wrap him tight into a hug. For Zayn to kiss him tenderly in his own way that made everything seem so utterly harsh.

He was pugnacious, always manhandling Harry to get the smaller male to do what he wanted. Always snapping and raising his voice whenever Harry hesitated upon anything.

He was full of tough love and Harry dealt with it because that's all he'd ever known. Loneliness and emptiness, never feeling as though he were enough to keep his boyfriend to stay, were all he had left.
He was a constant ball of sadness and melancholy, drifting in the soft breeze of the small English town.

Harry sighed, brushing his curled brown fringe from his eyes; dark purple nail-polish glimmering in the shaded lighting of the lampposts that littered the street below.

The moon was high, almost full as it glowed down upon the small town; illuminating gently over the few grey clouds littered across the night sky.
He could feel the chill of the wind cascade softly over the skin of his face, smiling faintly as he leaned slightly out of the open window; an arm braced on the wooden ledge.

Long black shirt sleeves almost hid his hands, a hand moving again to tuck another strand of long curly hair behind his ear; a silver ring band on his right hand glinting in the soft light.

He loved really early mornings, where everything was quiet and the birds had only just begun to awaken with chirping little yawns. The sun was softly caressing the horizon, a weak glaze of darkly hued orange glowing in the distance behind the street line across from Harry's apartment.

He gazed down at the small book store tucked away in the middle of the street almost directly across from Harry's apartment three stories up. A small figure of a male came walking down the street, cold hands fumbling with silver glimmering keys on a keyring. He was rugged up in a thick brown coat, black jeans tight on his legs and tucked into black ugg-boots; a dark grey beanie on his head hiding his brown hair from the chill of winter.

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