Loading: Game One. A Lover's Tale

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Welcome to Distortion.
Where your world is our game. And our game is your life.

Play to win.

Advance to earn cash.

The higher the Red Count, the more you earn. The more you earn, the harder tasks become.

You have been chosen as a prime candidate. Only the best of the best can succeed.

Are you prepared to win? Do you have what it takes?

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Congratulations, Number 00003.

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Are you ready, Michael?
Yes No

Yes No

Yes No


Welcome to Distortion...

≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡

A glowing red eye lingered in Michael's vision, dull, faint, but still there as though its sole purpose was to torment the green eyed man within every waking moment. Though smaller than his pinkie fingernail, its number etched within its pupil continued to grow, rising numbers accumulating as seconds passed by in a blur.

A hundred.

Five hundred.

One thousand.

Two thousand.

Six thousand.

Eight thousand.

Green eyes blinked slowly, dazedly focusing on the bright world around them as pale hands littered in tattoos running across Michael's body rubbed against them; wiping sleep away.

Ten thousand, five hundred.

Seated on the edge of his bed, Michael spared a glance to his phone blaring its ringtone alarm on his bedside table. Cracked screen protector glowing with a wake up call to which he slid his finger across and switched off; allowing the screen to unlock automatically and show the same glowing red eye.

He reached a hand behind his head, yawning a garbled "morning everyone" as he scratched the edge of his sandy brown hair—already a tussled mess—and dragged blunt fingertips over a faint white scar behind his ear. "You lot wake up early."

Sixteen thousand standing by.

The red eye glitched in the corner of his vision, connected to the implant device within his skull as he touched over the scar, and he chuckled. "Whoops," he stood up from his bed, sunlight bleeding through his carelessly open windows—white blinds left open from last night—, "sorry guys."

His phone dinged, a signal his chat line had been opened by the game server, and he glanced toward it; briefly watching as thousands of messages flooded in, many bidding him good morning, thousands confessing their apparent undying love, and hundreds excited for a new day of action.

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