Very, Very, VERY Confused

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I now know why this was my favourite show when I was little.

This shit is intense.

Ok, who the hell decided to make Bakura this British? It's so stereotypical, I can't decide whether its kinda cute or really, really, really sad. Like some of these duels. Oh my, half of them are just so embarrassing that if I was one of the characters I may have just turned away and found something else to do, like see if Pegasus had a popcorn machine or something. You need popcorn.

Have you ever gotten so annoyed with a fictional character that you wanted to throw a cat at the TV? Yeah, me neither.


I procrastinate. A lot. I'm sorry.

I can't type and watch this at the same time. Well actually, I'm doing quite well. Not really. Autocorrect is helping.


I just want to thank the producers of Smallville for having a consistent theme song throughout the ten seasons it was on air. You guys are awesome.

You ever just waited and waited for a story to update but it hasn't and it was a really good story and you really liked it and thought it was going brilliant but it hasn't been updated for a very long time and you can't find another one like it and its about your kinda-but-not-really OTP and you just 'naww' all the time while reading it and its just so cute and fluffy you're gonna die? I believe I have a name for this scenario (well, in my case anyway). Karma.


OHMYGOSH THIS IS SO CUTE! It's giving me so many feels I've been hugging my dog tighter and tighter for the last ten minutes. This story is making me gush. And then I stop reading it, go to one I found earlier today and I just... Kind of cry, I guess. It's sad. I just... I'm not good with emotions today. My brain is being fucked with.

You know what's fun? Anzu-bashing a.k.a Téa-bashing. Especially when she's been ranting about friendship again. This show is not called Yu-Gi-Oh: Friendship is Magic. GO HANG OUT WITH TWILIGHT SPARKLE, TÉA. But I do so love those fan fics where she's the school whore. I just laugh at those. Or where she back-stabs the female OC by making out with somebody. They're funny. But really, who the hell would draw a quarter of a smiley face on someone's hand in permanent marker? Sure, I know tons of people who draw WHOLE ones on people, but not quarters. Nuh-uh.

And seriously woman, how could you not realise something fishy was going on when Yugi grew a head taller and ten times more manlier during a duel? WHY DIDN'T ANYONE THINK TO ASK WHAT WAS GOING ON!? ... Why didn't Yugi himself figure out he was being possessed by a 5000 year old spirit of an ancient pharaoh who like card games? Also, why do you dress all punk-ish/gothic and still be so goddamned happy all the time? Makes no sense. Look, I'm sure Yugi could pull it off if he was more distant. Like Kaiba. He's such a douchebag, asshole, CEO, determined sore loser, thinks-he's-better-than-everyone-else kinda guy he just gets away with the all-black ensemble with a white sleeveless coat with random belts around his biceps. Don't ask me how, just go with it. I mean, he has the emo haircut and everything! And he goes around, eventually running into Yugi and that, and he just stands there insulting them. AND THEY STILL SAY HE'S THEIR FRIEND! Sure, he SEEMS like he has the potential to be nice and kind-hearted and now I think I should stop writing about Seto Kaiba because I could go on for hours and hours because I'm writing this at night and I write erratically at night and one of my fanfics just updated and I've been watching too much Yu-Gi-Oh and it's fucking with my brain and now it's all full of Kaiba so I'm gonna stop. Yes. Good decision.


I don't even know anymore. I'm just confused because of life.

Let me explain. I went interstate because my aunty had her 50th birthday last weekend, and every single adult eventually asked me what I wanted to do when I left school. I got so sick and tired of answering with "I don't actually know what I'm doing" that when my nan asked me, I started laughing. Because I have next to no clue what kind of job I want. As long as it involves regular visits to airports and travelling, I'm happy. I keep thinking maybe something to do with psychology or history. I dunno. Mum says I should study religions (theology?) because I always seem to get A's in the subject at school. All I know about my future is that I'm taking Ancient Civilisations in grade 11 and I'm moving to Queensland for University. And that I'm going to buy an iTunes card if I don't spend all my money on buying Dredd and Yu-Gi-Oh cards. See? I'm not even sure about what I'm using my money on!

You ever just wonder where you feel like you truly belong? I found out. I have a sense of belonging at airports. I don't know why, I just do. In the chaos of the crowded check-in desks, the calmness of watching planes take off, the "Well, shit." moments of delayed flight announcements, the aimless wandering around shops in the terminal, THE TRIUMPHANT FEELING YOU GET WHEN YOU FIND FREE WIFI, I just like it. I feel a part of something. It's a bit weird, but I just do.

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