Don' Wanna

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Does anyone else ever have one of those moments where you're reading a book, then look at how many pages it has and have a moment that's a cross between "Well, Fuck" and "Good thing it's long, I like it"?

Hey, I forgot to put this in the last update. My mum has taken to saying I can only have two hours a day on my iPad and shall hide it somewhere if I use it for longer. Also she went through everything, because apparently it's school policy. And I mean EVERYTHING. All the tabs I had open in safari, my photos, my games, most of my apps. But on the plus side, she didn't come across anything I didn't want her to find, as she took my iPad away when I was reading a sad bit in the current fanfic that's occupying my attention and she didn't touch any of my other reading apps. Including my manga reader, which currently contains InuYasha, Antique Bakery, Ooku, Queens Blade, Sword Art Online, Earthian, The World God Only Knows, multiple others that I can't be bothered typing, and some random series that was recommended to me called Gravitation. I haven't started on that yet, but I was told it was quite gay but very well written.

... I've just discovered the filter search button *le troll face*. GUESS WHO'S NEVER GOING TO NOT SET SOMEONE'S SEARCH TO YAOI WHEN THEY LEAVE THEIR IPAD WITH ME!? BWAHAHAHAHAHA- I'm a bitch.


So I was watching one of those 'so and so plays whatever' YouTube videos...

"What kind of ten year old doesn't like birthday presents?"


I had a plan for today. I was actually going to get things done. I was going to finish my math homework, my abandoned Witchcraft chapter was going to be completed, my résumé and job applications were going to be done, and the first chapter of Invisible Things was going to be up. But no. I've spent the last 3 hours watching YouTube videos and the few hours before that blogging and reading some shit-random manga I found while messing with the filter button. It's weird as fuck, but I can't stop reading it. And that's why today hasn't been productive.



I have found something in a book I'm reading that sums up me reading romantic thingys:

"Kurt Vonnegut once said that it's perilous to include romance in a story - for once a boy and a girl meet (or, by extension, a boy and a boy) all anyone cares about is if they're going to kiss - and if they do, it's a happy ending - even if the world's about to explode."

Excerpt From: Nenya85. "The Newly Revised Book of the Dead." Archive of Our Own, 2008-10-24. iBooks.

This material may be protected by copyright. (Why iBooks does that when I copy-and-paste is not beyond me, but it's annoying)

Can someone please write a song and call it "There's a Dead Nazi On My Couch"? I know it's completely random, but I just watched the 'Everybody Hates Hitler' episode of Supernatural and Sam and Dean shot the evil nazi dead. His body landed on the couch and I just thought it sounded quite musical. It may need a bit of screamo somewhere in the song though. Maybe the bridge. Also, there could be a follow-up song called "Reactivating My Grandpas Golem".


So my Daft Punk CDs came in the mail today. Life is good. I now have a writing playlist, so that chapter of Witchcraft might be up in time for the 2000-reads mark. Fingers crossed.



It's funny. Everyone goes on about how it's possible to have close guy friends but when you spend time with them and message them frequently everyone automatically assumes you're involved romantically, even when he has a lovely girlfriend who is an amazing person. Why? What makes you even think that? Is it because we sit with Silver and Dave at lunch in the Hobbit Hole (a concrete cave under the stairs near one of classrooms) and its just the four of us, talking about random shit and having fun? Is it because we keep talking about our plans for the anime convention? If it is, I'm sorry. Look, I believe we had this problem last year. We decided we can all have our own friends. And it's not like I can talk about it with you. I start on something anime or manga related and you don't understand a word I'm saying. Sometimes I just want someone to talk back to about that stuff.


Besides, Frank has been helping me with cosplay ideas. End of story.

Update: Silver has taken up the challenge of writing 'Theres a Dead Nazi On My Couch'. I wish her the best of luck.



So I was cruising my 'recommended reads' again and it came up with some sort of One Direction/animal fic. I just looked at it and immediately thought "Why the fuck has someone made a Sex Pistols fan fic?" Ok, I may have secretly been reading Sex Pistols. I just found it so... WEIRD, that it intrigued me. And once I started reading it, I suddenly found myself up to the 20th chapter. That's what happens when I find something different, something unusual, something downright creepy and insane. It's about people who have evolved from animals other than monkeys who can see the shape of another persons soul and its fuckin' queer. Don't read it. By the way, I use specific words for a reason.

Hey guyzzz.

Hey guyzzz.

Can I be in the movie too?

Hehe, Foxy Boxes.

Why is it when I finally feel happy and am enjoying myself that everyone else is sad and grumpy? And then they just make me feel depressed and hate myself? I don't like it. And I try to ask and nobody says anything, they just change the subject or move away. Honestly, have I done something wrong? I'm not going to notice if you don't tell me. And I don't mean it. It would be nice if you could tell me what is happening or what is pissing you off or even why something is pissing you off. Communication doesn't exist anymore. ...Are you ignoring me or something...? Because I just want you to know, if I'm wronging you in some way, it's unintentional. Please come and talk to me about it, not just whisper it to someone else. Because it hurts.


WITCHCRAFT IS GONNA BE AT TWO THOUSAND READS SOON! *squeals! But then realises that one of her friends has 17000 reads (IT'S STILL GOOD, IT'S STILL GOOD, IT'S STILL GOOD!)*

Duke Devlin is the fourth Jonas brother.

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