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If my schools IT guy goes through my Internet history, this is what he'll find (most recent first):

Hey, assbutt!

History of the telescope

Binoculars for kids

Dean Winchester

Supernatural memes

Funny supernatural memes

Castiel memes

Urban Dictionary's definition for BAMF


Download The Ultimates complete collection (which just fucked up on any site I clicked)

James McAvoy with Sloths

A bunch of Truce fanfics

Lol, FrostIron

eBay. Avengers cardboard cut outs

Spideypool (I don't even know...)


More Tumblr

People's Choice Awards (I was voting for best onscreen chemistry or whatever. RDJ/Chris Evans for the win!)

Code Geass

Steampunk Billionaires

Funny Jesus

Thorsday memes


Can Ghosts steal souls? (They can't, so stop worrying)

Ten best James Bond movie themes

Fandom poetry

Judge Dredd helmet design

How to calculate the area of a triangular prism (I still have no idea)

Wikipedia's Binoculars page in Russian

And Spanish

And Arabic

And Vietnamese

And English

iPad mini

History of Swarovski crystals


So, as you can see by the title, I have been watching cartoons all day. Mainly 'Ultimate Avengers 1 & 2'. They should've just called it the Ultimates, honestly. But they missed out on so many bits of plot. (Stop reading if you hate spoilers and plan to read the Ultimates somewhere in the near future.) Like when Hank nearly kills Jan in a domestic dispute gone horribly wrong, or where Betty Ross is a complete bitch, or putting Hawkeye on the team (they remembered Black Widow though. Pff.), or the fact that the comic has Scarlett Witch and Quicksilver on the team as well. AND STEVE HOOKING UP WITH JAN AT THE END! HOW COULD YOU REPLACE HER WITH WIDOW, YOU ASSBUTTS! Widow's s'posed to be engaged to Tony, who gives her a suit and everything. Don't worry, she betrays everyone in the end. Marvel, you disappoint me. But you've done well with the Motion comics. I can't argue with those. STOP AIMING FOR A YOUNG TARGET AUDIENCE, AIM FOR THE TEENAGERS. Like DC has been doing for ages. They may be behind in live-action films, but the quality of their animated ones are brilliant.

BE TRUE TO YOURSELF! In any context.

There are so many things I could be doing right now. Like my science assignment (which, apparently, is more important than my exam), writing my chapter for my other story which I need to do before I go away on Thursday, cleaning my room, spamming Tumblr with pictures of James McAvoy with Sloths, I dunno, stuff that's productive. But nah. I'm gonna play Ice Cream Jump so I can give my ice cream cat ears.

We're missing out on so many things because we're going away. I'm missing out on the School's art show (which has my magical, mystical sugar skull in it), I'm also missing out on seeing the production(which I didn't really care about, but yeah.), going out for dinner. But my dear daddy is missing out on having tea with Prince Charles and Camilla. I'm not even joking.

But it's ok, because Aeroplanes (British spelling, bitches, because airplane looks weird to me), airports, Krispy Kreme donuts, I get to see my awesome cousin (she's so CUTE!) and no school till Tuesday next week.


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