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"My dad: how would you like your tea son?

Strong and black, dad. Like my men." - Tommy Little, some random comedian that was on TV.

I don't know, I was tired and recovering from War Horse feels. I laugh at anything relatively funny when I'm half asleep and come up with some 'witty' conversation enders.

So Kendal. She's a right bitch, that one. She's one of those people you can't help but hate, that sucks up to the teacher, follows you around everywhere just because you were nice to her ONCE, has to know everything, listens into your conversations, goes through the birthday present you gave your best friend, asks you about your results on your exam, she mouths off at said best friend, et cetera, et cetera. Generally, not a nice person to be around. So today she's taking the satchel thing that we put our camp notes and stuff in down to the office. And she happens to lose my large envelope that has my check for horsie camp in it. That check's worth $300AUD. Luckily some decent person turned it in. Thank you, decent person! Love you muchly. So after being told it was found on the ground and turned in, I go and ask Kendal how she lost it. She said there was a hole in the satchel. Bitch please, it is incredibly thick plastic. You'd have to cut it (ooooh, conspiracy theorist powers ACTIVATE) for it to get a hole in it. Luckily, my check isn't the only thing to have been lost this week. Another girl in my class had her permission slip for the East Timor trip get lost on its way from our home room to the school office. I wonder how that happened.

And now I'll tell you her trump card. She's half blind and half deaf. So now, you'll be thinking 'Mia, that's so mean. How could you be so mean to someone? I feel sorry for her, you should be too.' I'm sorry but no. I don't care if she's slightly disabled, if you treat me rudely, I don't like you. And she is just so overly-privileged and rubs it into everyone's faces too. We are watching movies in a few of our classes and she can't see it because she's sitting up the back, so she just plays games on her iPad and reads. Why can't you just move towards the screen? And when our whole class is told to get off our iPads, some people don't so theirs get confiscated, but she's allowed on hers all the bloody time and never, ever, ever gets told off. And she argues with the teachers when she gets pulled up for uniform issues and tries to bribe and bargain her way out. IT'S DISCRIMINATION! Against people who do the right thing. AND THEN SHE BRAGS ABOUT HOW SHE BUYS EXPENSIVE JEANS AND HAS A NEW $30 ITUNES CARD EVERY WEEK! *rage ended*

I discovered that I can't read raunchy fanfics in class without laughing like the immature little shit I am.


When Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone is on TV and every time you walk into the room you're able to quote the lines flawlessly. My childhood. <3

Captain America 2, HURRY UP! After Iron Man 3, you're the movie I want to see the most in the next few years. And maybe Man of Steel. (That moment when you want to hit people really hard because someone says Man of Steel and they immediately think Iron Man. ARE YOU HIGH!? Iron is different to steel, dumbasses. IT'S GODDAMN SUPERMAN, DAMNIT. Away with ye. OUT!) As long as it gets good reviews. I like Superman, but not as much as other heroes. He's alright. But hopefully Henry Cavil does an excellent job.


Discord, I'm howlin' at the moon

And sleepin' in the middle of a summer afternoon

Discord, whatever did we do

To make you take our world away?

Discord, are we your prey alone,

Or are we just a stepping stone for taking back the throne?

Discord, we won't take it anymore

So take your tyranny away!

I really should go through my photos. There's 800 and something, and they're all random screenshots I've taken or funny things I've saved to send to people. Oh, and some Assassin's Creed cosplay items that I would actually wear every single day for the rest of my life.



Except when the restaurant serves pancakes topped with honey and bacon. Then I like going out for breakfast.

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