Is it possible to be haunted by someone who's not dead?

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We had our first lot of exams today. I should not be allowed to sit in complete silence for two hours doing maths. Or religion. Because once I'm out of the gym, I must admit I lose it. I just go off, rambling on about anything and everything that comes into my head. And laughing maniacally for five minutes or so. Then checking my Tumblr and yelling, "TOM HIDDLESTON, GET THE FUCK OFF MY DASH! YOU'RE KILLING MY OVARIES!"

Yeah, I don't even know either....

Well my massive paragraph seems to have magically disappeared into the Grid. Tron's probably reading it, or some other guy who lives in the computer systems of the world. It could have been transported into the future as well I guess. Terminators could be using it to research humanity, aliens could be using it to research humanity, humans could be using it to research humanity, I dunno...

So you remember that bitch who used to be my friend that I keep telling you about? Well she included me in a group message and this is what it said:

Hey you guys want to hang out a recess tomorrow?? It may be a bit awkward cause well yeah I fucked everything up but I miss you guys company heaps and heaps. it sucks that we don't talk anymore and that all my fault I know but I want to fix it. Although i don't no what to talk about anymore.. 😕 It's fine if you don't want to.. I understand I'm not your favourite person in the world and you probably don't want to waste you recess with me but yeah.. I miss you all.. 😔 xxxx

I'm not going to bother correcting the grammar. But my mind keeps turning into Admiral Akbar (the fish guy in Star Wars episode.. 4..? Correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't watched them in a while) and screaming out 'ITS A TRAP!' And I keep going back to the Red Hood scenario. What's the right thing to do? Keep doing what Batman has been doing forever and catch the Joker, take him to Arkham Asylum where he will just keep escaping and hurting people. Should you let the cycle of violence continue? Or end it now? Kill him and save countless people's lives, even if you hadn't managed to save everyone?

I have a superhero analogy for just about everything.

So if I can shut Admiral Akbar up, I'll tell you lot how it goes.


Nothing happened. You can go home now.

She didn't even come up to us and say 'hey, we going to hang out? I want to talk.' So... Nothing.

I want a PS3 so I can get Grand Theft Auto. Running over things and dodging cops is fun, when its not in real life. In real life you would still be in jail for accosting hookers and you'd be dead from all those times you jumped off a bridge.

You know those hats that have cat ears and are all fluffy and have scarf-things that you can put your hands in? I've grown attached to Katie's brother's one he owns. I've taken it everywhere. I don't think I'll survive being separated from it.


You know why I love people on the Internet? The usually know exactly what you're thinking and they suggest some brilliant things for you.


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