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Ok so I've mentioned Jeremy right? I noticed something the other day that got me thinking...

He is so friendzoned.

Really, he is too nice to all us girls and I started pitying him. It's really sad.

But then I thought...

What about Bruce Banner?

Seriously, in every Avengers fanfic I have read, he is completely and utterly knee-deep in the friendzone. He has a crush on Natasha, he gets shot down or Clint gets overprotective. He gets a girlfriend, it ends miserably. Hell, even in my story he's friendzoned. I guess that's why they invented Science Bros.

WE GOT OUR SUBJECTS FOR NEXT YEAR TODAY!!!! ALL OF MINE ARE WITH DAPHNE! GET EXCITED! Next year shall be a year of awesomeness, especially if we get put in the same homeroom as well.

And everyone remembers my rant last chapter right? Well let's just say 'someone' told this other chick at my school (who spreads heaps of rumours and shit about people around the school) that I was changing camps. Bro, it's horse riding. I wouldn't change it unless another camp involved going to Disneyland. Besides, there is at least 20 or so people going. Just because I have an argument with one person doesn't mean I have to chuck a complete fit and abandon everything in hopelessness. I can behave like an adult, I have been doing it for the last few months. What's a few days? And she came up to me after school, all polite, as if nothing ever happened, and says that she sees that we got into the same Creative Writing course. The conversation that followed was polite, but had an undertone full of ulterior motives. It's like the Cold War all over again. Faaaaaark, I'm sick of this.

Have any of you people read any James Bond? You should. They are some of my favourite books of all time, although I have one problem with them. I know the first ones were written during the fifties, but I find them quite racist. Just a few parts, like when Ian Fleming writes that 'no negress drives a car, let alone is a chauffeur' and other shit. I told mum this and she said "you should adapt them to the modern day." I said "I don't hate them that much, besides, that's disrespecting a man who has given our society one of the pertaining influences on books and cinema during the 20th century." I also hate how once you've read From Russia With Love, you expect big things from every other book written by anyone ever. Including yourself.


So drama went well. We missed out on first period, recess, 3rd and 4th period and lunch. For a 45 minute performance for grade 4s. And my group had no backstage whatsoever, so they kids could see everything. We weren't even allowed to tape up a sheet. Or find something smaller to stand on instead of a chair (used to step up onto our little not-really-a-stage) so we could have more room. AND THEN WE COULDN'T MISS OUT ON MATHS FOR A BREAK!

Do you ever have the urge to do something for no reason whatsoever? I do. Because of this urge I discovered that you can use your tongue to navigate your iPad three days ago in Science. I was that bored. Tonight I found out that pretzels go with ice cream...

K, I'm done now. IT'S FRIDAY!

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